By Anonymous (not verified), 23 October, 2017
Technology is not something static, it is constantly changing and once it is decided to develop an app a series of challenges will be faced, such as advertising, downloads, support problems, among others... The launch of an app in the market and positioning it among so many options that currently exist is only the beginning in the world of mobile applications. Currently, many apps have negative comments about their performance, intrusion, data consumption and general instability.
By Anonymous (not verified), 13 October, 2017
We are pleased to invite all government officials to be part of tracks oriented to web software, mobile and digitization of government entities, this time we will do the event with a wine tasting. We start the evening with a tasting of wines and talks at the same time so that the event is pleasant and different. ###**Exhibitors:** - Rootstack: Alejandro Oses ###**Temary** - Software-oriented software solutions - The solution stack that every government entity must have - Common integrations in government entities - Innovations of other entities in the United States and how to apply them in
By Anonymous (not verified), 29 September, 2017
Almost all times we get a high workload on our team, we want to be lean and/or we don't want to get to tedious with managing lots of people when other people can do the work and save on having employee's responsabilities, on this case With who to outsource: - Companies: Outsourcing with companies guarantees that the client will have a person working for them "x" hours and that will accomplish x standards, also the company will be responsible of training, workplace and having a high technology environement -> this helps the actual project he is on having a right flow , less blockers and a fr
By Anonymous (not verified), 22 September, 2017
IOS and Android applications dominate the market, see what are the advantages and differences of each of these mobile apps.
By Anonymous (not verified), 18 September, 2017
Once the need to have customized Software has been defined, the next question that a company should ask itself is: What is better to do development in-house or hire a Software Development Provider?
By Anonymous (not verified), 17 September, 2017
In recent years, mobile applications have acquired great importance in the market. Statistics show that already in Google Play and Apple Store there are more than three million apps.
By Anonymous (not verified), 17 September, 2017
The market for mobile applications is constantly growing. That is why every day more companies create applications that respond to their needs.