By Anonymous (not verified), 24 May, 2018
It's basically a simulation where the user is immersed in an interactive environment that it’s supposed to recreate life-like situations that aren’t exactly real all the time.
By Anonymous (not verified), 19 April, 2018
Join us for breakfast while we discuss the advantages of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and how to make your team more effective with this approach. Location: To be announced.
By Anonymous (not verified), 19 April, 2018
Developing a website seems like a complex and long task, the end product of a development project will rely highly on the tools and resources utilized during the process but often you can become lost when trying to find what technology to put in use for the development of a website. Join us in this webinar where we will be looking over different technologies utilized for website development as we give you an insight into each of them and help you understand the variables to take into consideration when deciding which technology to use on your developing process.
By Anonymous (not verified), 19 April, 2018
Open Source technologies are an alternative for many companies that seek to improve technology management and reduce operating costs. Join us in our webinar where we will be talking about the most common myths that you have probably heard about Open Source, such as: -The modifications introduced make free software not reliable. -Free software is free and does not generate income. -You can not use Open Source for critical systems because it is not safe. -This modality is negative for the technological market.
By Anonymous (not verified), 27 March, 2018
¿Eres nuevo en SEMrush y quieres saber cómo empezar a usar la plataforma? Aprenda cómo mantenerse a la vanguardia de sus competidores y mejorar su desempeño en línea En 1 hora enseñaré cómo usar los módulos básicos de SEMrush. **Temario:** -Interfaz de SEMrush -Análisis de dominio -Análisis de palabras clave -Proyectos -Pasos para limpiar su proyectgo web y crear una campaña de SEO
By Anonymous (not verified), 20 March, 2018
Self-management systems play an important role in customer loyalty because the company will allow its customers to perform certain actions from any place and time by creating requests that they have with the company immediately. Discover the typical features of a Self-management system in our next webinar Free Event Date: To be defined Time: To be defined
By Anonymous (not verified), 20 March, 2018
Did you know that the Google Analytics tool can provide us with vital information about the interactions that take place on our website, such as: sending forms, requesting downloads? Click on links or banners, etc. all this can be measured in great detail in the panels of Google Analytics that is why we invite you to participate in our analytical webinar on the web with tools. Free Event Date: To be defined
By Anonymous (not verified), 19 March, 2018
They are software applications that are installed on mobile devices or tablets with a specific function which can be personal, professional, leisure or entertainment.
By Anonymous (not verified), 9 March, 2018
The main objective of the BPM or process management systems is to optimize the execution of processes to improve response times and standardize activities.
By Anonymous (not verified), 9 March, 2018
The EPR is in charge of managing and controlling the resources, processes and operations within the organization, automating many of the operational and productive activities.