By Anonymous (not verified), 20 November, 2017
The technological contribution in all the areas of an organization is fundamental for the growth, development and management of functions that through automations facilitate the complexity of some processes. Currently, the amazing progress that has occurred in the Health area in respect to software that is useful for both, Hospitals and patients wishing to program appointments or treatments from the comfort of their home through web applications, consulting information about lab tests, treatments, or obtaining results of medical analysis’. Based on this, in order to provide adequate systems
By Anonymous (not verified), 18 November, 2017
With Mulesoft Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) it is possible to have the most optimal architecture since it allows different applications to communicate with each other by transporting data between applications within your company
By Anonymous (not verified), 17 November, 2017
It is necessary to be clear about the answer to **¿What is e-learning?** which is teaching and learning through platforms created on the Internet where anyone from anywhere can access this educational method E-learning nowadays can be considered as one of the tools for distance study, under the same evaluation characteristics as in face-to-face environments, that is why at this moment we can affirm that its use has transformed a large part of the traditional instruction spaces in virtual training spaces. However, in order to have these tools and give them a correct destination, it is vital t
By Anonymous (not verified), 2 November, 2017
With an ESB platform like MuleSoft, you achieve high scalability which translates into growth over time by connecting different applications. Look at its advantages.
By Anonymous (not verified), 30 October, 2017

Any company today is in need of a solution to handle their tickets, usually these tickets are aimed at customer service, internal service between collaborators and requests for help, the question today is:


What is an OSTRS Open Source Ticket System?


By Anonymous (not verified), 30 October, 2017
The first thing that a company must establish is that when doing a Custom Software Development the quality of the product will be directly attached to the activity of the company.
By Anonymous (not verified), 25 October, 2017
Hoy en día la implementación de la tecnología, permite que **empresas de transporte y logística** implementen **Sistemas de Rastreo** que les facilite a sus clientes ver el status de sus pedidos, realizar cambios, verificar ubicación del mismo, y obtener un histórico detallado de la localización del producto hasta que se realice la entrega. Actualmente, son muchas las empresas que trabajan con servicios de envío a domicilio, ya sea de forma física o a través de Internet, y gran parte de su tiempo lo pasan gestionando los pedidos, el stock y el envío, hacer esta serie de pasos de forma manual
By Anonymous (not verified), 25 October, 2017
Technological development grows every day by leaps and bounds, brings us closer and closer to automated processes that can be performed quickly, easily and comfortably, that is why we can confirm that the access that customers have into information of a company, directly, positively or negatively influences the satisfaction of them (the clients), in this sense, the customer service software, allow access to a personalized service and value, whatever the channel that the customer is using: Telephones, web, email, social networks, mobile apps, among others, improving attention to their current c