Rootstack collaborated with a pharmaceutical company to build a desktop application.
Web development
For a shipping company, Rootstack worked on creating a software system to control a compressed air tool for ships.
For a water company, Rootstack worked on updating its ERP platform, using Odoo tools.
Rootstack helped Spivey with a team of expert engineers working on creating a web application for medical laboratories.
Rootstack helped on the Implementation of a Software for the Registration of Students Abroad.
Rootstack helped with the Improvements at the infrastructure level of the Panama Open Data website.
A POS helps businesses centralize all their customer data in order to keep a more effective record.
Rootstack moved, re-designed, and added new functionality to the website app where they run some business services.
Rootstack created a multifunctional website for an annual conference in Panama, with information for all attendees.
Rootstack supported the Panamanian government in the development of a website for the Annual Conference of the Inter-American Government Procurement Network.