What is the difference between Red Hat Linux and Ubuntu?

By lmartinez, 11 August, 2022

red hat


When you talk about cloud computing solutions, you immediately think of Red Hat Linux. The technology is one of the most sought after when it comes to migrating and running processes in the cloud, being one of the most popular within the Linux system, as well as another with which it is often compared: Ubuntu.


But what is Ubuntu? According to the definition given in Geeks for Geeks, “Ubuntu Desktop is a Linux distribution developed by Canonical, and it is one of the most popular distributions thanks to its ease of use. It is also one of the best options for people who are just starting out with Linux. The server edition, which we won't focus on here, also works on most Internet servers.


A Linux distribution is nothing more than an open-source operating system that can be used in contrast to other popular but expensive operating systems like Windows and macOS.


Reasons for using Ubuntu




Created with the purpose of being used by people interested in getting started with Linux, it has a fairly easy learning curve to learn, despite the fact that it looks very different from Windows or macOS.


Security and privacy


Developers and tech-savvy people generally prefer Linux and operating systems based on it for its security due to being an open source operating system and the fact that there are no viruses attacking it directly. Ubuntu is safe and also offers you the option of privacy during its installation, where you can allow or not that it collects all the information related to the hardware, such as RAM, CPU and GPU memory, in addition to the data of your location and how you use the data.




Ubuntu is free for anyone who wants to use it, unlike Windows, for example. Anyone with a PC who needs an operating system, but doesn't want to spend a lot of money, can use Ubuntu for their daily activities.


red hat


Advantages and benefits of using Red Hat Linux


Advantages of using Red Hat


Among the advantages of using Red Hat is its certification for cloud computing, as they say on their official website "every cloud is unique, so you need a flexible and stable operating system."


In addition, they are focused on security, an essential aspect of Red Hat and its systems. Your company data will always be optimally and efficiently protected. In addition, it is compatible with new technologies, always adapting to new trends and systems that are appearing in the technology market.


Benefits of Red Hat Enterprise Linux




On their website, they explain: “Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides more than an operating system: it also connects you to Red Hat's extensive ecosystem of hardware, software, and cloud partners, and it comes with 24-hour support, 7 days a week. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is our latest release, but with access to all supported versions and a 10-year lifecycle, you can upgrade on your schedule and adopt new features as needed."


Automation and management


They continue detailing this great benefit “Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes Red Hat Insights, a managed service for analysis and remediation that provides continuous vulnerability alerts and specific guidance to help organizations maximize uptime and avoid emergencies. Plus, with the Red Hat Smart Management plug-in, you can automate the remediation process.”




With Red Hat, you can help your business simplify risk management, automate security processes, and comply with regulations. This technology includes built-in security features such as live kernel patching, security profiles, security standards certification, and a trusted software supply chain to help meet today's high security and compliance expectations.


The main difference between Red Hat Linux and Ubuntu


On the ItMunch portal, they talked about the main differences between Red Hat and Ubuntu, noting “Ubuntu is built using Debian as its core base. Therefore, all of its features and properties are derived from the existing Debian operating system. In contrast, Red Hat is an independently created operating system that is not derived from any one source."


Regarding its integration with the cloud and with Docker, they explained “Both companies have recognized commercial support, and when they bring these systems to the cloud, Ubuntu remains fully functional with excellent support. Docker is a software platform that allows you to manage virtualized application containers. So both Ubuntu and Redhat provide Docker integration. But Red Hat stays ahead of the curve by certifying Docker applications."


In other key respects, it is noted that Red Hat is a paid service, uses a different operating system, has release dates that can vary, and is not updated as frequently. Ubuntu, on the other hand, is free, based on Linux, it is updated frequently and it's default desktop is Node.js GNOME.


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What is the difference between Red Hat Linux and Ubuntu?
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