What are the advantages of using Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

By dbracho, 4 March, 2022

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If we talk about cloud solutions, we must talk about Red Hat, since it is a company that offers companies of all kinds a wide range of Linux packages, as well as tools that facilitate cloud administration and administration of containers.


“Some of RedHat's well-known creations include Red Hat Storage (RHS), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Red Hat Virtualization (RHV), Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat Ansible, and Red Hat Atomic Host”, they explain on the EDUCBA website about the products they currently have available.


One of the products that has gained trust, success, and popularity in recent years is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as it is the company's way of distributing the Linux operating system. Among the biggest attractions of Linux is that it is very flexible and can be installed on all types of hardware.


red hat


What are the advantages of using Red Hat Enterprise Linux?


“The security model implemented for Linux is based on Unix; it is very safe against the Internet and other attacks as well”, they explained in EDUCBA, also emphasizing how customizable this operating system is. In addition, bug fixes are quick and being an open source system, there is a large community that is willing to help improve it.


More of the benefits of working with Red Hat Enterprise Linux include:


It is certified for the cloud


“Each cloud is unique, so you need a flexible yet stable operating system. Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers the flexibility of open source code and the innovation of its communities, as well as certifications from hundreds of service providers and public clouds", detailed on their official website.


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Safety is the main thing


The issue of security is essential for the Red Hat and Linux team, so your data will always be optimally and efficiently protected. "Red Hat Enterprise Linux has built-in security features, such as Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and mandatory access controls (MAC), that allow you to prevent intrusions and comply with current regulations", they noted.


Compatible with even the newest technologies


Innovation is one of the main flags of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is why it is creating precisely to couple and adapt to new technologies that are emerging in the technology industry.


red hat


“It's a product for innovators, built for developers, and designed for operations, from containers to automation and even AI. It adapts to all companies and lays the foundations for the possibilities that the future brings”, they delved into the subject.


If you still haven't decided to implement Red Hat Enterprise Linux in your company, we leave you with another vital piece of information: with the subscription you purchase, you will have 10 years of maintenance and support from Red Hat, invaluable and very useful support for your systems. function efficiently.


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