Oracle Database Developer: What should you learn

By dbracho, 17 August, 2022



Oracle is one of the most important companies in the technology industry, thanks to its database solutions that adapt to the needs of any company, be it small, medium or large. Oracle databases are especially useful if your company handles large volumes of data and you need a solid and reliable system, with the support that provides support whenever you need it.


Oracle Database is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and cost-effective way to manage information and applications. Enterprise grid computing creates large storage pools and industry-standard modular servers,” the same company explained in its documentation.


With this architecture, “each new system can be rapidly provisioned from the pool of components. There is no need for peak workloads, because capacity can be easily added or reallocated from resource pools as needed", added in the post.


Oracle Database Developer: What does this profile do?


Today information is power, that has been made clear to companies. With data, they can improve their business strategies, enhance the user experience, and improve their overall productivity, which is why an efficient and effective database is a must. And, with this, it is also essential to have a good database developer by your side.




According to an article published on the Oracle blog, the basic responsibilities of an Oracle database developer are creating databases and enhancing existing databases. In general, its role is to "improve business efficiency by improving the way organizations use their data".


“The role includes developing database code to perform specific tasks, for example, data retrieval for reports; create, update and delete data as required by a particular application”, they added in the same blog post.


As we've been talking about, a database developer can design or modify databases, develop new database applications, and "convert legacy applications to work with a particular database configuration".




Another important role of Oracle database developers is to ensure that projects comply with all applicable database rules. They can also make decisions related to appropriate database languages and technologies.


Reasons to become a database developer


  • Job opportunities will continue to grow as the volume and complexity of data is constantly expanding. Having an Oracle database developer on hand will always be a necessity.
  • Database developers, being one of the most sought after profiles, is also one of the highest paid in the industry.


Applications and databases are key assets for all lines of business. Typical applications and responsibilities include ERP, CRM, IoT, analytics, industry-specific (eg, verticals), and DevOps”, Netapp commented on the importance of this profile in companies.




Skills a Database Developer Must Have 


  • Experience with Oracle databases
  • Knowledge of non-relational databases such as NoSQL
  • Know how to prepare the data
  • Ability to do systems analysis and to make cost estimates
  • Extensive knowledge of operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
  • Knowledge of programming languages such as C++, Java and C#, as well as HTML, Python, JacaScript and PHP.


How to become an Oracle Database Developer?


The first thing you should do is have a degree in Computer Science, Programming or a related career or trade.


According to Oracle, by following these steps you can start your journey as an Oracle database developer:




  • Study and earn recognized database development certifications. It is a very valid option for those who do not have the opportunity to pursue a university career associated with Computing.
  • SQL is the main database development language, so taking an SQL course is also one of the first steps in becoming a database developer.
  • In any case, practice makes perfect, so along with any database development courses you might take, you need to start practicing. "Design, create and consult small databases related to your hobbies and interests, such as music or related to your personal finances," they highlighted in the Oracle blog.
  • Communication is essential for database developers, this being one of the most valued soft skills. By having tools to communicate assertively, any project in which you participate will evolve much better.


Oracle experts insist that the fundamental thing in a database developer is that he polishes his knowledge in programming and SQL. They also recommend having knowledge of Oracle Database and/or MySQL since they are the most common database systems. They also recommend learning technologies such as XML and APEX, as well as C, C++ or Java.


At Rootstack, we have over 10 years of experience creating digital solutions for companies across all industries. If you need to work on your database from scratch or improve the one you already have, we have the experts who can help you. Contact us!


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What should you learn before becoming an Oracle Database Developer?
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