Why do companies implement Oracle databases?

By dbracho, 9 June, 2022



When starting a business or company, it is very good if you focus on the name you are going to give it, the corporate identity, the concept and the design… but do not forget that the most important asset of a company is data. Information about your customers, your products and business procedures. Therefore, thinking about the database that you are going to implement and use is essential, it is not a decision that you should take lightly.


Oracle Databases, the most attractive databases in the industry


In the technology industry, Oracle databases are among the most used today and in this blog we will explain why. Oracle Database products "offer customers high-performance, cost-effective versions of Oracle Database, the world's leading converged, multi-model database management system, as well as in-memory, NoSQL, and MySQL databases", Oracle explained on their website about the variety of databases they offer.


Oracle Autonomous Database, available on-premises through Oracle Cloud@Customer or on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, enables customers to simplify relational database environments and reduce management workloads.


Many companies find Oracle Databases to be a scalable, high-performance database solution, as detailed in a Pure Storage article: “Many leverage Oracle DB to power enterprise applications for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). ), data warehousing, and business analytics. IT teams also need on-demand performance from these databases to meet development, testing, analytics and business continuity needs.”




Most important advantages of Oracle Databases


  • You will be able to obtain the maximum levels of performance, scalability and availability of data, eliminating the complexities of managing a database itself.
  • Running Oracle Database on Exadata, the fastest platform for Oracle Database, enables customers to increase transaction speeds, accelerate business analytics, and simplify IT management.
  • Helps accelerate JSON-centric application development: “Oracle Database fully supports schema-free application development by using the JSON data model to increase developer productivity.”
  • Reduces operational costs: “An Oracle-based system, for example, allows you to consolidate multiple databases into a single database. That reduces operations and license costs,” noted an article by Cherry Road Technologies.
  • You will be able to use a single database for all types of data. “ It makes it easy to create new models and add new features. It also makes it more profitable to operate than multiple databases,” they explained in the same article.
  • Identity management in Oracle databases is impeccable, in addition, with access controls you can restrict access to your company's most sensitive information, which should only be accessible to a select group of users.


Essential features of Oracle Database


  • “It's easy to network and interact with other services and databases with Oracle DB using its network stack,” a Saras Analytics article detailed.
  • Being a cross-platform service, it is compatible with multiple hardware and various operating systems.
  • It is easy to administer and maintain.
  • “Oracle partitioning and memory caching are two main features that developers love,” they added.




Why do companies buy Oracle databases?


This topic was discussed in a Quora forum, where several software engineers and developers expressed their opinion about Oracle Databases based on their experience. For example, software engineer Nagendra Nigade said that companies look for Oracle databases precisely because Oracle knows what the market's requirements are.


“Knowing the requirements of the market is one of the best advantages in the current situation. Coming to Oracle databases, they have millions of functionalities that can meet customer requirements without impacting performance,” he added, claiming that Oracle offers 24/7 support, data recovery, database availability , data consistency, offers facility to copy data from one database to another, as well as hundreds of tools to monitor and optimize the database.


In the same discussion thread, Oracle database specialist Bob Nightingale indicated that another of the most valuable aspects for which companies choose these databases is risk management. In his experience, Oracle is reliable, fast, and easy to maintain, making it an excellent choice for large projects.




He also highlights Oracle's adaptability: “Although I've worked with MS SQL Server, that's not the bulk of my experience. I can use Oracle on Windows, AIX, HPUX, Solaris and Linux. I've also run Oracle on outdated platforms, like VaxVMS, Dec Unix, Pyramid, and a couple others that I can't remember. Oracle will be around for a long time and will move to whatever platform it can sell. I don't have the same confidence with free databases”, said the specialist.


Additionally, systems architect Miles Fidelman also mentioned on Quora that Oracle is designed “for serious, large-scale, mission-critical operations and has the budget and staff to deliver. There are also a variety of key extensions built on top of it."




After evaluating the main characteristics and advantages that Oracle databases provide, you now have to analyze if this solution fits the requirements that your company currently presents. The next step is to find the right technology partner to implement it. We can help you with that! Contact us. 


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