What is Oracle Identity Management?

By dbracho, 6 June, 2022



It's satisfying when the company you've worked so hard for begins to grow and expand. But this growth, as satisfying as it is, also comes with risks if you don't have the right tools to handle all these changes.


One of the most important aspects to take care of is the security of the company's systems. As you add platforms and systems to the processes, the risks increase because there are more users accessing this information without any control. This is where the management of user identity and access control is essential, to guarantee the security and stability of the systems, a solution offered by Oracle.


Yes, this company offers the Oracle Identity Management tool, which is used precisely for that: to manage users and the identity of those who enter a company's systems.


What is Oracle Identity Management?


Oracle explains in a report published on its website, that this tool offers a suite of solutions for identity management: "It allows companies to manage the entire identity life cycle of users in all business resources both inside and outside of the firewall”.




This suite is characterized by:


  • Apply comprehensive protection to all business systems.
  • Remove latent access privileges.
  • Roles with different responsibilities and privileges are created.


Thanks to the features of Oracle Identity Management, companies can control user access to different company systems: that is, each user will be authorized to perform specific actions on certain systems, according to their role and responsibilities. With this, the company protects the systems from fraudulent actions that jeopardize operations.


“While identity management manages the life cycle of identity information, access management is the gatekeeper that determines which users have access to what type of information and when, based on a changing set of policies” Oracle highlighted in its article.




How Oracle Identity Management Benefits Your Company


Look at it from this point of view: in your systems you store vital information about your business processes... now imagine that a hacker enters your platforms, steals your customers' data and sells it to your competitors. That would be the ruin for your business by losing this valuable information and violating the privacy of users.


That's why it's especially important to protect user access to your platforms with identity solutions like Oracle Identity Management. You can guarantee that only those who have been authorized will enter. Nobody else.




  • You will be able to protect workloads on-premises and in the cloud, that is the flexibility that this Oracle solution brings.
  • This identity solution is scalable, so it will always adapt to the growth and context of your company.
  • “It is highly customizable and can be deployed as on-premises software or as an instance of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,” Oracle mentioned in another specialized security article.
  • Through easy-to-define policies and rules, you can implement user identity and access management.


Key features of this Oracle identity solution


Identity Management


“Manages the user account lifecycle, including entitlements and provisioning,” Oracle detailed in its documentation.


Access management


“Control unified access policies often with enabling single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA).”


Directory services


“Centralized and consolidated credential management and synchronization”.




User provisioning


Automate the creation and assignment of new user accounts.


Identity analysis


Detects and prevents suspicious identity activities through machine learning.


Single Sign-On (SSO)


Provides consolidation of password and user credentials behind a single account with strong password enablement to simplify access to services.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)


Increases authentication in the form of secondary authentication controls to ensure user authenticity and reduce exposure of stolen credentials.


Risks to which companies are exposed by not having identity and access control


Although we have seen all the benefits of implementing an identity and access solution, it may be that there are still companies that consider that it is not the time to invest in this aspect. Or that they underestimate the effectiveness of this type of tool.




If before we talked about the benefits, now we will talk about the consequences to which you expose your company if you do not implement an identity solution such as Oracle Identity Management.


Data security at risk


"Without a central identity management system, data control issues are a very real possibility... The more data sources there are, the greater the risk involved in storing and keeping them secure," they commented in an article of e-Point.


They recognize how difficult it is to manage security in an environment with multiple interconnected systems, since verification and control of users becomes an almost impossible task.


Too much data access


Not all employees should have access to ALL company data: firstly, not everyone will find it useful and secondly, because it is the main cause of security incidents in systems. This occurs when there are no clear roles and responsibilities for users, so everyone can access all the information. This leads to information leaks that can put the company's internal operations at risk.


Inefficient Identity Lifecycle Management


Without an identity and access system, the procedure for authorizing or de-authorizing users on the company's platforms will be much slower and more cumbersome. Imagine that you hire a new staff… having to give them access on 5 different platforms is more problematic than creating a single access profile, which gives them authorization to use all the company's platforms. This is possible thanks to identity and authentication systems such as Oracle Identity Management.


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