Difference between Oracle Fusion and Oracle Cloud

By dbracho, 8 June, 2022



Oracle is one of the technology companies that is always trying to innovate, to create new solutions to facilitate the processes of companies and organizations. Simplifying and enhancing workflows are part of the objectives of companies today and Oracle understands this very well, creating solutions that adapt to all business scenarios.


What is Oracle Fusion and what is its function?


That is why Oracle Fusion was born, as a way to unify multiple business processes, efficiently and powerfully, with zero cumbersome or problematic for teams: “Oracle Fusion Applications is a set of commercial applications based on 100% open standards that provide a new standard for the way companies innovate, work and adopt technology”, explained Oracle in its official documentation.


By implementing Oracle Fusion Applications, companies will have at hand a system with the possibility of activating unlimited modules and applications, within the offer offered by Oracle, to increase business performance.


"Whether it's a module, a family of products, or the entire suite, Oracle offers businesses their choice of all the advancements powered by Oracle Fusion Applications, at a rate that fits individual business demands," they added in the article.




To build this Oracle Fusion platform, the company relied on business process best practices, putting security first. And the fact that the platform is based on open standards makes it very flexible, being able to adapt to all kinds of businesses.


This is how Oracle Fusion Applications works


  • It has an intuitive user-oriented design.
  • It is role based.
  • It is configurable and extensible, which represents efficiency and productivity for teams.
  • It is characterized by being collaborative, it offers integrated workspaces that facilitate collaboration between the members of a work team.


Regarding security, one of the advantages of Oracle Fusion is that access to the platform is based on roles, with identity management being one of the main virtues. This enables robust privacy protection.


What are the applications that integrate Oracle Fusion?


Oracle Fusion architecture is modular, so the platform can be complemented and enhanced with the following modules:




Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management


It allows managing the relationship between the company and customers.


Oracle Fusion Governance Risk and Compliance


It focuses on managing everything related to risks and compliance with security and efficiency issues.


Oracle Fusion Financials


Manage everything related to financial flows, invoices, payments, accounts. The company will be able to handle all accounting.


Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management


Manage the employees of the company.


Oracle Fusion Procurement


It focuses on managing the processes of acquisition, orders, purchase orders, with suppliers.




Oracle Fusion Projects


The company will be able to handle all planning, budgeting and forecasting for all projects.


Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management


It is responsible for managing all the key processes in the supply chain.


The main purpose of Oracle Fusion Applications is to provide companies with unified management of all business services. "It is the single point of administration for applications and technology to achieve comprehensive lifecycle management," they added in the Oracle documentation. The flexibility of this platform is one of its greatest virtues, as well as the centralized management of users.


What is Oracle Cloud and how does it work?


In recent years, cloud-based services have had a greater boom, since it allows incomparable flexibility. Users can access cloud services from anywhere and on any device, which has made all workflows and processes much easier during the pandemic. And Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has become one of the main solutions offered by this technology company.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is a set of complementary cloud services that enable you to build and run a wide variety of applications and services in a highly available, hosted environment. It offers high-performance computing functions (such as physical hardware instances) and storage capacity in a flexible overlay virtual network securely accessible from your local network.


It should be noted that there are multiple applications offered by Oracle Cloud: in fact, organizations can handle everything from enterprise resource planning to supply chain management and personnel management, to name just three examples of everything it can achieve from the Oracle Cloud.




Benefits of Oracle Cloud


  • You'll be able to automate from the simplest to the most complex operations, because Oracle Cloud offers a set of applications that are made to work together and integrate.
  • Simplify and automate the employee experience as Oracle Cloud uses AI capabilities.
  • He is always focused on innovation.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is rated the best platform for SaaS applications.


Applications that are available on Oracle Cloud


Enterprise Resource Planning


It is an ERP software through which companies can manage all the operations of their departments, from payroll, accounting and finance, to inventory and sales.


Human Capital Management


It allows managing all human capital, promoting productivity and faster decision-making.




Supply Chain Management


It allows to automate all the operations of the supply chain.




Oracle Cloud marketing solutions help drive sales and customer loyalty.




With this Oracle Cloud application, your teams will be able to optimize sales, strengthening the relationship with customers and promoting the growth of the company.




“Helps differentiate your company by delivering automated, personalized, omnichannel, insight-centric customer service and interactions,” they explained on the Oracle Cloud website.




What is the difference between Oracle Fusion and Oracle Cloud?


This topic was discussed in a Quora forum, where they highlighted the differences between each of these solutions offered by Oracle.


They are not the same. Fusion is the result of Oracle's long and fruitful work to merge the functionality of various accounting, manufacturing, human resources, inventory applications and other products acquired from Oracle into a modern web interface”, explained developer Rick Banister in said forum. Regarding Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, he indicated that it is an infrastructure in the cloud in which applications can be hosted. Therein lies the difference between both Oracle solutions.


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