Why do you need a Dedicated Development Team?

By dbracho, 1 August, 2022

dedicated software development


During 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, at least 41% of companies around the world contracted outsourcing services to develop their projects, according to data from Statista. It was not possible to work in offices to protect health and avoid contagion of the virus, so remote work and dedicated software development reigned, being a great solution for businesses to continue their operations.


And although the restrictions of the pandemic have already decreased considerably thanks to the intense vaccination days, remote work and the outsourcing modality have been maintained in companies, since they provide numerous benefits and advantages. Many companies have implemented services such as IT Staff Augmentation, which is based on the hiring of individual resources, and others such as the Dedicated Software Development Team model, which is based on the hiring of complete outsourcing teams.


How a Dedicated Development Team works


“A dedicated software development team model is an approach where clients hire a team of developers for their projects, usually a client-side managed team. Still, some companies offer to hire a project manager on their behalf,” they explained in a Cleveroad article.


dedicated software development


Before hiring a dedicated team, the company must be clear about the following aspects:


  • They must define the needs of the company and the project they want to develop.
  • By being clear about the needs, this will help define the kind of resources and skills they have and those that are lacking in the team.
  • With this information, a technology provider will help you structure a dedicated team according to your project.
  • Then the price, the frequency of payment and the duration of the contract itself are negotiated.
  • The stage of the incorporation of the outsourcing team to the in-house team arrives, establishing the pertinent communication channels so that the workflow is successful and everyone feels like a single team.
  • You as a client will always have control of the work carried out by the dedicated outsourcing team, being able to assign tasks, assign or withdraw resources and request reports when you see it pertinent.


When do you need a Dedicated Development Team?


In a dedicated software development team you can include everything from frontend and backend developers, to UX/UI designers, DevOps engineers, QA specialists, business analysts, product and project managers.


Given this, when you urgently need some of these profiles in your project, it is time to implement this modality. 


dedicated software development


This model is appropriate in these particular situations:


If you are an early stage startup


“If you are an early-stage startup and are expected to grow, consider hiring a dedicated development team. It will allow you to build a team quickly, save money on hiring processes, and develop the product faster. While your internal team must work on business-oriented tasks, the augmented team does the extra work,” they explained in an article on the Up Tech portal.


Long-term projects


If you have a long-term project on your hands, you cannot do it with resources that are unstable or that their availability is limited. This is an ideal opportunity to work with a dedicated software team, as these teams are 100% dedicated to the project and are guaranteed to be with you from start to finish.


dedicated software development


Projects with vague requirements


They are the kind of projects that are in a trial and error stage and are not fully defined. “Since the discovery stage forms the backbone of the entire project development mechanism, it can take months of testing and interviewing to finally settle down. The dedicated team model provides time and resources for you to focus on the discovery stage without fear of overspending", detailed in Up Tech.


If your company is in any of these scenarios, you can perfectly contact us to help you in the digital transformation of your company. At Rootstack we have +10 years of experience helping different companies, let's talk!


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