Benefits Managed Services bring to companies

By dbracho, 19 July, 2021

managed service


All CEOs and CTOs of companies work hard to achieve excellence in their projects. Sometimes this is not an easy task, since there are many factors that can get in the way of this goal: high volumes of work can overload your team staff, especially if it is a small team. In situations like that, they can neglect the core tasks of the company, which will ultimately lead to delays in projects and long-term growth goals. This is when Managed Services can be your great support.


The foundation of Managed Services is simple: these outsourcing teams can be in charge of those elementary and basic tasks of your company, so that you and the in-house team dedicate themselves to the most transcendental, guaranteeing a more productive, creative workflow and efficient, since each one will be fully focused on their responsibilities, without losing focus or deviating.


What are the benefits of Managed Services in your company?


Having a technology partner on hand that provides you with Managed Services can be very useful because they are usually a team that is trained in all areas of an IT department, so you can feel safe in their hands. They are trained to support you in aspects such as data center management, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and end-user support, several fundamental but routine tasks that take up too much time on a day-to-day basis.


Part of the benefits of having Managed Services at your disposal are:


  • Less expense and training time


Investment is always necessary for a company to grow, we all know that. But as the head of a company, it is logical to always think about how to optimize the budget, taking advantage of every penny that is spent. Managed Services allow you to reduce expenses since, instead of hiring permanent personnel to manage your systems, you can delegate this responsibility to an external team that is fully trained for it.


Why does this mean saving money? Mainly because by delegating the maintenance of your systems to a provider, for example, you pay a monthly rent for the service without commitments of any kind, like the one you would have with a permanent employee when paying premiums for seniority, vacations, medical insurance, among others.


In addition, it reduces the cost of money and training time for in-house employees: it is more effective for a trained external team to take over your systems than to start from scratch to train new employees who do not know the technologies you use.


  • Greater availability and experience


In the IT area, experience is extremely important when hiring a technology partner. When looking for a Managed Services, it is about finding an experienced provider who knows how to handle various aspects and technological services, so that they arrive at your company having a base to work on, catching up quickly without major inconvenience. In addition, this experience will allow this partner to more clearly address some problems that may arise at any stage, offering timely solutions.


Another of the positive points of Managed Services is that they are totally flexible in terms of hours and availability. It is a perfect option, for example, when you require 24/7 technical assistance, something that is more difficult to achieve with an in-house team that is tied to a set work schedule.


  • Scale your company as needed


With Managed Services, you can scale your company according to the needs that arise over time. This allows for progressive and controlled growth, allowing the company to keep up-to-date with the innovative technologies of the moment. In this way, the investment is also gradual, so this service allows you to optimize the budget to the maximum.


managed service


What is a Managed service provider?


To have an excellent Managed Service, you must hire an expert in the field. A managed service provider ensures that you have at your disposal professionals with experience in technology and with the appropriate knowledge to solve the problem that your company presents.


As defined by TechTarget, a Managed Service Provider is a third-party company that remotely manages a customer's information technology (IT) infrastructure and end-user systems. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), non-profit organizations, and government agencies hire Managed Service Provider to perform a defined set of day-to-day management services. These services may include network and infrastructure management, security, and monitoring."


According to data provided by Statista, the Managed Services market stood at $ 185 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to $ 356 billion in 2025, thus demonstrating the high demand for these services due to their incredible benefits to companies. At Rootstack, we have more than 10 years of experience advising our clients and offering the best technological solutions for their companies. Contact us and modernize your workflow today.

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Managed Services
Benefits that Managed Services bring to companies
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