What are the three types of RPA?

By lmartinez, 30 July, 2024


Robotic process automation (RPA) has revolutionized the way businesses manage repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and accuracy across a variety of operations. For business leaders considering RPA for their companies, it's critical to understand the different types of RPA. This article explores what RPA is, and its benefits, and delves deeper into the three main types of RPA, to help you decide which type best fits your organization's needs.


Understanding RPA


What is RPA?


Robotic process automation (RPA) involves using software robots, or "bots," to automate routine, rule-based tasks traditionally performed by humans. These bots interact with applications, manipulate data, trigger responses, and communicate with other digital systems, mimicking human actions.




Benefits of RPA


Implementing RPA can lead to numerous advantages, including:


  • Increased efficiency: Bots work 24/7 without interruption, significantly speeding up processes.
  • Increased accuracy: Bots reduce the risk of human error, ensuring high accuracy of tasks.
  • Cost savings: Automating routine tasks reduces labor costs and improves ROI.
  • Scalability: RPA systems can be scaled up or down based on business needs.
  • Improved compliance: Bots follow exact instructions, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


The three types of RPA


RPA can be categorized into three main types: attended automation, unattended automation, and hybrid automation. Each type serves different purposes and offers unique advantages.


1. Attended automation


Overview: Attended automation, also known as “human-in-the-loop” automation, works alongside human employees to assist with specific tasks. These bots are typically triggered by user actions and operate on the user's desktop.


Key Features:


  • Real-time Assistance: Bots assist users in real-time, improving productivity.
  • User Interaction: Bots wait for user input or actions before proceeding with tasks.
  • Task-Specific Automation: Ideal for automating parts of a workflow rather than entire processes.


Use Cases:


  • Customer Support: Bots can assist customer service representatives by pulling relevant information from multiple systems, allowing for faster responses.
  • Data Entry: Employees can trigger bots to automate repetitive data entry tasks while they focus on more complex activities.




  • Improved Employee Productivity: By taking over routine tasks, bots allow employees to focus on higher-value work.
  • Improved Accuracy: Bots reduce errors in data entry and other repetitive tasks.




  • User dependency: Attended automation requires user interaction, which may not be ideal for all processes.




2. Unattended Automation


Overview: Unattended automation operates independently without human intervention. These bots are typically deployed on servers and can run 24/7, handling end-to-end processes autonomously.


Key Features:


  • Autonomous Operation: Bots complete tasks without needing user input.
  • Scheduled or Triggered Execution: Tasks can be scheduled or triggered by specific events or conditions.
  • End-to-End Process Automation: Suitable for automating entire business processes.


Use Cases:


  • Invoice Processing: Bots can automatically extract information from invoices, enter data into accounting systems, and trigger payments.
  • Batch Processing: Automating repetitive batch processes such as generating reports or processing transactions.




  • High Efficiency: Bots can work continuously, significantly increasing process efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces the need for human labor in repetitive tasks, leading to cost savings.




  • Initial Setup: Requires thorough planning and setup to ensure smooth operation.
  • Monitoring: Though autonomous, bots still need monitoring to handle exceptions and ensure proper functioning.


3. Hybrid Automation


Overview: Hybrid automation combines both attended and unattended automation to provide a comprehensive solution. It leverages the strengths of both types to optimize business processes, offering flexibility and scalability.


Key Features:


  • Combination of Attended and Unattended Bots: Utilizes both types of bots to automate complex workflows.
  • Seamless Integration: Bots work together, sharing tasks and data seamlessly.
  • Flexible Operation: Can adapt to various business needs and processes.


Use Cases:


  • Order Processing: Attended bots can assist employees in verifying order details, while unattended bots handle the backend processing and updates.
  • Customer Onboarding: Attended bots help with data collection and validation, while unattended bots process and store the information in relevant systems.




  • Comprehensive Automation: Covers a wide range of tasks, from simple to complex.
  • Improved Collaboration: Bots and humans can work together seamlessly, enhancing overall productivity.




  • Complexity: Implementing hybrid automation can be more complex and requires thorough planning and integration.
  • Resource Intensive: May require more resources for setup and maintenance compared to single-type automation.


Understanding the three types of RPA—Attended Automation, Unattended Automation, and Hybrid Automation—allows business leaders to make informed decisions about which type best suits their needs. Attended automation is perfect for enhancing employee productivity by assisting with specific tasks, while unattended automation offers the efficiency of 24/7 operation for end-to-end processes. Hybrid automation combines the strengths of both, providing a versatile solution for complex workflows.


When considering RPA for your organization, it's essential to assess your specific processes, goals, and resources. By selecting the right type of RPA, you can unlock significant efficiencies, cost savings, and accuracy improvements, driving your business toward greater success in today's competitive landscape.


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What are the three types of RPA?
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