Vue 2 or Vue 3: Which one should you use in 2022

By lmartinez, 6 January, 2022


"The progressive JavaScript framework" is how they define Vue.js on their official page, a technology that over the years has enchanted developers and has become one of the most used frameworks when developing applications and websites.


With Vue.js, you can create user interfaces that are responsive and integrated with other supported technologies. Vue.js is considered a versatile platform as it is a combination of JavaScript libraries and a full-featured framework in the same ecosystem.


Depending on your use case, Vue can be used in different ways:


  • Improved backend rendering HTML without a build step
  • Embed as web components on any page
  • For single-page applications (SPA)
  • Ideal for FullStack developers, offering server-side rendering (SSR)
  • JAMStack / Static-Site-Generation (SSG)


Vue 2 or Vue 3?


With the start of 2022, a large number of Vue developers are asking this question: Should they continue to use Vue 2, or is it time to move to the latest version: Vue 3?


Evan You, the creator of Vue, was promoting the latest update of the framework on his Twitter account, where he shared some improvements that have been made to the new version, including New design/implementation, Toggle preference between composition API / composition API Updated options and Recommendations.



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When to use Vue 3 and when not to use it


  • If you ever need support for IE11 it is best not to use Vue 3, as the support is not available.
  • If you are on a very large and complex existing project using Vue 2: You may not want to migrate to Vue 3, depending on your code, the migration time and performance benefits may not be worth it.
  • If you are facing performance issues after doing various optimizations, then use Vue 3. This is written from scratch and offers better performance than its previous version.
  • If you need better TypeScript compatibility use Vue 3, it's much better than before!
  • If your dependencies are compatible with Vue 3, then the most logical thing is to use this version.


With most of the syntax and practices in Vue 2 being the same in its updated version, it shouldn't be a big difference to learn Vue 2 or Vue 3 in this new year. Almost all libraries are already compatible with the recent version of the progressive framework, but not all are within this group, so if you want to follow a more secure path when developing your application, use Vue 2.


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