UiPath: what this tool can do

By lmartinez, 22 December, 2022



Today, the time for companies is like gold. Being able to perform several activities a day without any problem is the goal of most companies around the world, which is why many of them have resorted to Robotic Process Automation. One of the most used tools is UiPath.


Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, consists of the use of bots or technological tools to automate the repetitive tasks of companies, in addition to collecting data that allows other processes such as marketing to be improved.


UiPath is one of these tools. It offers companies the necessary functions to automate all repetitive tasks. Turn boring tasks into automated processes using multiple tools.




UiPath Features


The key features of UiPath are:


Drag and drop


Firstly, the UiPath user will be able to develop visual process steps by dragging and dropping all related graphical work tasks. Using the UI properties, you can transform those steps into a visual workflow.

Record and play

UiPath offers its users various recording options such as Basic, Desktop, Web Recording and Citrix Recording which can be used to record actions and then transform them into a series of automated processes.

Built-in activities

One of the most attractive features of UiPath, this tool comes with over 300 built-in activities to cover a variety of application integration design and workflow automation tasks.

Scraping options

With the UiPath Screen Scraping feature, users of this tool will be able to extract data from web pages and applications quickly and easily. The scraping solution works seamlessly with any program, including .Net, Java, Flash, PDF, Legacy, and SAP.


UiPath gives you the ability to build bots that are durable and adaptable to any technology, as well as being scalable. It has a highly secure automatic login feature, and it also works with the locked screen, so everything can be done in complete privacy.




UiPath Components


  • UiPath Studio: A user-friendly interface that allows users to visually design and plan automation processes using diagrams, as well as incorporating drag and drop functionality.
  • Robot UiPath: after having created the process in the Studio, you have to put it into action, for this the Robot UiPath is used. It is a component that allows the user to translate strategies into tasks, it is also used to perform tasks in the same way that a human would.
  • UiPath Orchestrator: This is a web-based application, with features to deploy, monitor, schedule, and control bots that perform automated processes. Manage and maintain all bots in the software.




Benefits of using UiPath


Increased productivity

By having an RPA tool like UiPath to take care of repetitive tasks and processes, it frees up human staff and they can focus on other, more important tasks. Plus, you can generate a monthly report in 20 minutes, a job that would take about four hours to do manually.


An RPA tool does not rest, it can work continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without the need to take any breaks. Even when built right, it can handle the repetitive tasks of up to five workers.

Improve customer experience

When bots built with UiPath are in charge of repetitive tasks, human staff can focus 100 percent on customer service, thus satisfying the needs of users and always keeping them well informed.


Because it only performs individual tasks, the risk of information leakage from one component to another drops to zero, and access to data is strictly monitored.


UiPath is one of the least expensive RPA tools on the market, which makes it ideal for small and medium-sized businesses.




Can UiPath be used for test automation?


The short answer is yes. UiPath makes its Test Suite available, which allows you to automate and centralize all the tests you need to run, thus guaranteeing the quality of each application before it is activated.


"Regardless of testing RPA workflows, web applications, SAP or mobile applications, Studio Pro offers support, through its drag-and-drop interface and hundreds of preconfigured activities," they explain in the documentation for UiPath on its UiPath Studio Pro platform.


Roostack can help you with the RPA tool your company needs. We have a team of UiPath experts ready to start working on adapting the tool to perform all the repetitive tasks of the company.


Contact us and let's start working together.


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UiPath: what this tool can do
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