Considerations when choosing a software company

By Anonymous (not verified), 17 July, 2017
software company


There are many questions when looking for a software development provider, not only because of the extensive knowledge and time required for development but also because of the company's objectives and the correct operation of the solution.


In this blog I will mention the 5 most important functions to help you choose your next software provider for the development of your web or mobile solution.


software company


Considerations when choosing a software company


  • Workplan


The work plan fulfills the main role, without it we would have a project without order and surely the stipulated time would not be fulfilled.


We must require a software provider with defined work plans, a project by phases, time of each phase, manager, agenda for submission of progress, and maintenance plan once delivered.


In this way we will be notified in case of any eventuality and the software provider will be able to identify possible failures in the system or new information required by each phase complying with quality development.


  • Prices


While we must focus on the final product, it is true that each company handles an annual budget for new implementations, in this case, you can quote more than 2 companies to compare prices vs experience and quality of the final product they offer taking the decision of our new project and thus know the competitive prices that the market has.


The way in which the proposal is presented will tell a lot of the supplier, each software company understands that the final negotiation of each proposal is made with the person in charge of the company therefore it is not someone skilled in technology.


It is important that the vendor solves all doubts regarding the new project and defines the methodology efficiently.


software company


  • Experience and quality of work


The experience must be a decisive factor among software providers, certifications in the selected technology, number of professionals in charge of the project, time stipulated, number of projects in the industry, and similar projects requesting references to verify the quality of work from each provider.


  • Communication


Whether it requires outsourcing or a contract with a particular company, it is necessary to define the communication that you will have with the vendor team to make inquiries, send documentation, or request project progress.


It is important that the supplier provides from time to time project progress and is able to notify or approve requests from our team.


In this way, the people involved in the project will be notified of any changes or new incidents located in advance.


software company


  • Support


Each company handles the support in a different way, in the search of software providers we must focus on a customer support with availability of schedules and a qualified team.


  • Additional services


Every technology project fulfills long development times and additional services from the consultancy to define the work plan and expectations of the company, design, development, implementation, and finally, maintenance.


It is important that the vendor has additional services to support and maintain our tool. Like a bag of hours for any change or update, we should give the solution.


Taking into account these 5 important points you will be able to choose a software provider to meet the goals of your company and the expectations of the solution.


It would allow the end-user to manage intelligent systems adapted to their function by increasing traffic and positioning the company in an optimal way.


Do you need personalized advice or a new project in mind? Contact us!


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Considerations when choosing a software company
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