Should I be a game developer or an app developer?

By lmartinez, 13 September, 2022

mobile app developer


Currently, one of the most requested careers or professions in the world's universities is Software or Computer Engineering. There are millions of young people interested in belonging to the world of technology and being able to create the applications with which the public interacts on a daily basis.


Finally graduating as a software engineer specializing in mobile app design, the person may be wondering: should I start creating video games or multifunctional apps?


Everything will depend on what that person is passionate about. Let's make some terms clear to start answering that question.


What is a mobile application?


Techopedia tells us that a mobile app “is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Mobile applications often serve to provide users with services similar to those accessed on PCs. Applications are generally small individual software units with limited functionality. This use of application software was originally popularized by Apple Inc. and its App Store, which offers thousands of applications for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch”.


From TikTok to Gmail, we interact with mobile applications on a daily basis, they are part of both our professional routine and our relaxation time, so any company or startup must have a presence in this market.


Now, a game can be considered a mobile application, but not the other way around.


mobile app developer


What is a mobile game?


Again, Techopedia explains “Mobile games are games designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones, feature phones, Pocket PCs, personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablets, and portable media players. Mobile games range from basic (like Snake on older Nokia phones) to sophisticated (3D and augmented reality games).”


Today, the market for games designed specifically for systems such as Android or iOS leads the lists of the most played at a general level, even above the popular titles on consoles such as Xbox or Playstation.


Knowledge to be a mobile application and game developer


There are a number of basic knowledge and skills that every person should have in order to become a successful game and mobile app developer.


You must have the following technical knowledge:


  • Knowing several programming languages ​​will always be a plus, especially Objective-C and Java
  • Have notion or have worked with agile methodologies
  • Manage C/C++, C#
  • CSS
  • UI/UX knowledge
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • HTML5
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Node.js


mobile app developer


Skills Needed to Become a Mobile Game Developer


First, the developer must have the knowledge listed with priority to be able to develop the game that he wants. In addition to this, he must possess almost infinite ingenuity and be able to create an engaging story and gameplay for the user.


In Ziprecruiter they explain “A mobile game developer designs and creates games for the smartphone application market. As a mobile game developer, your job duties include conducting design reviews, programming prototypes, troubleshooting technical issues, and documenting the game design process.”


Rootstack has a team of ideal mobile developers to start that project that your company needs to finish promoting the company in the technology market, in addition to having close contact with customers and users.


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Should I be a game developer or an app developer?
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