Saleforce features: a superstar CRM

By lmartinez, 14 October, 2021


In today's hectic world, for a company, regardless of its size, it is essential to have an automatic process for managing its customers, where they can easily access all the data they need. For this there are CRMs, with Salesforce standing out from the competition.


First we must clarify what is a CRM, Costumer Relationship Management for its acronym in English. They are the technologies that help manage all the relationships and interactions of a company with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: improve business relationships to grow your business. A CRM system helps companies stay connected with customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.


Among the different benefits that a CMR provides to your company, are:


  • A better relationship with the customer
  • It supports enhanced cross functionality and therefore increases team collaboration.
  • CRM offers great efficiency in customer service and greater staff satisfaction.
  • Reduces costs and manual efforts.


Salesforce is a modern CMR with the ideal features for your company


Among today's popular CMRs, Salesforce stands out. It is one of the most efficient and demanded platforms by companies today, since it allows managing the relationship with customers in an agile, easy and safe way.


The characteristics of this CMR have been one of the reasons why Rootstack decided to apply it in several of its projects to solve the technological problems that some of its clients present.




Salesforce features include:


The management and handling of contacts


With the use of Salesforce as the CRM of your company, you will be able to manage your contacts since it allows you to add specific data to each client and you can access the interaction history of each contact. You can use customer social data for a deeper understanding of their particular behavior with respect to any product or service.


Quote management


Salesforce CRM simplifies your sales and business processes with forecasting and productivity tracking. Managing product quotes becomes easy with this CRM application. It will allow you to track all the products that are part of your offer, and includes the standard price, the quantity, the product code and the quoted price.


Trailhead: Ideal Tool for Small Businesses


Trailhead is a tool that Salesforce offers small businesses to guide and help them grow. Provides a complete view of the customer, automatically captures data from emails, support channels and calendars. It includes a configuration to automatically answer customer inquiries, as well as a built-in intelligence that will help you in the automation processes.


Ranking of potential customers


When you don't have an optimal CRM tool, it can be a nightmare to keep track of customers and all the emails, for example, that can be received in one day. Salesforce CRM helps you not only organize this data, but also classify your customers, placing those you see with the most power in immediate contact with an executive.


At Rootstack we have been able to solve our clients' problems using Salesforce


For one of the most prestigious insurance companies in Latin America, with a presence in several countries, the Rootstack team presented a plan to help them automate and modernize all their processes, thus achieving better customer service.


The company needed to update its systems, unifying its databases on a single platform in order to better monitor each of its customers and contacts.


Then, the team of experienced Rootstack software engineers executed the migration of all the company's data to Salesforce, the CRM with which they decided to start managing the entire relationship with their clients in this stage of modernization of their company.


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Saleforce features: a superstar CRM
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