Improve sales of your e-commerce store

By Anonymous (not verified), 3 July, 2017

E-commerce stores are growing fast but also the demand of users. Today the user expects a company the easy access and user experience along with the complete information of each product and service, real images from each angle, promotions, ease of purchase and delivery.

The growth of the online stores goes hand in hand with the benefit that gives the user avoiding schedules of physical stores, to move of place and to invest time in the search of a product.   Within an e-commerce store, the user can take the time he needs, access from any place and time, compare prices or products and see the catalog in its entirety in an optimized way.   The main objective of every online store is to sell and to achieve this we must consider certain elements to improve our sales, with this blog we hope to assist your company in the practice on increasing sales and loyalty of its users with e-commerce.  

  • Updates

Compared to a common business website, e-commerce stores are more demanding on content updates and functionalities.

You will not be able to handle the same catalog or offer the same promotions, the user will notice the outdated elements of the store and the chances that they will not return to the site will increase.

  • Exclusive content

Depending on the type of customer you can segment and send exclusive information about registered users depending on the pattern of purchase of each user boosting to the recurring purchase.

With a greater attraction to the store for sending special promotions or discount coupons the user will make positive decisions about strategies appropriate to their interests.

  • Loading time

Like any web solution, loading time is crucial. The user does not think twice about leaving a site if it loads too slow or has confusing content.   A 11% of cart abandonments are due to the slowness of the website. (Source) For this reason, we must take into account and optimize the loading times of each element of our site, avoiding loaded designs, unnecessary information and complicated buying processes.

  • Adequacy

It is estimated that only 11% of users access the internet via desktop. (Source) The importance of the visual suitability of your e-commerce store will affect traffic and usability.   It will be able to adapt the design and functionalities to all devices so that if 89% of users access your site from the mobile or tablet does not affect the visit or contribute negative experiences.

It can provide an added value to users by increasing the final reach of the store on the final purchase of products.

  • Security

Putting ourselves in the shoes of the end user, if we want to buy something online but the site does not provide security, requests information meaningless or the payment process is complicated and without transparency, we will look for another provider.

It is important to optimize each transaction, create simple registration forms, define return or cancellation policies, explain the reason for each information and have certificates that ensure the site of each transaction.

It is important to take into account each of the mentioned elements on the implementation of new functionalities to generate more confidence as recommendations of each product on the pattern of purchase and review on the part of other users contributing positively in the final decision of each user.   If the user has a good experience about the store and the purchase is likely to re-buy frequently and recommend your company to other potential customers.

We must consider that each new visit increases the possibilities of conversion and therefore it is necessary to focus the strategies in providing an excellent user experience with an optimal, easy-to-use and transparent platform on each transaction.

In Rootstack we are highly qualified to make your project a success fulfilling the expectations of your company.

For personalized advice, contact us

Improve sales of your e-commerce store
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