Rootstack received a "Web Excellence Award"

By dbracho, 15 September, 2022



At Rootstack we always bet on the highest quality in each project in which we get involved. And the development of e-Commerce websites has been one of our specialties. Thanks to our experience, dedication and effort, we were recognized with the "Web Excellence Award" for the best development of an e-Commerce, standing out as one of the top software development companies.


Rootstack recognized as one of the best e-Commerce development companies


The e-Commerce that earned us this recognition was the one we developed for Implosa, a Panamanian company dedicated to the import and sale of plumbing and electricity products.




“Rootstack responded to all requests and resolved all issues, getting Implosa's approval. The partnership brought massive results. Thanks to the team, there were an average of 6,800 visits to the site per week. The versatility to adapt to changing requests was the asset of his team”, said the representatives of the Web Excellence Award about the recognition.


The Excellence Award is given only to those entrants whose ability represents them as the best on the Web. With more than 950 participants from 37 countries around the world, The Web Excellence Awards aims to become one of the most prestigious web competitions available to everyone.


Project details with Implosa


Implosa joined Rootstack to develop a complete custom ecommerce, adapting an old system and including new features.




The adaptation and integration of the new platform with the system that they previously had in Oracle with the registration of the products was a challenge, due to the wide variety of products and the archaism of the systems they had.


The final product was an ecommerce platform where the user can see the products by categories, apply filters, users, manage their shopping cart and carry out the complete checkout process, with integration with the payment and shipping method.




Our developers used NuxtJS, a framework that is based on Vue.js and written in JavaScript.


We made an implementation with Elasticsearch to index all the products that they previously had in their database and allow complex and fast searches, show featured products, promotions, their characteristics, categorization and more. 


Main features:


  • Administrative Dashboard that allows you to manage the content of the website.
  • Integration of ecommerce to your own ERP.
  • Bidirectional flow of accounts to avoid duplication in user registrations.
  • User Management.
  • SEO friendly.
  • Responsive design.
  • Quick searches.
  • Automatic synchronization with database to show updated stock.


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Rootstack received the "Web Excellence Award" for the best e-commerce development
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