Rootstack was reviewed in Factor de éxito magazine

By lmartinez, 23 August, 2022

factor de exito


Consolidating our position as one of the main software agencies in Latin America, Rootstack appeared in the most recent edition of the "Factor de Éxito" magazine, where our CEO, Alejandro Oses, spoke about the achievements obtained by the company and the success obtained with the clients.


Factor de Éxito is a magazine with a presence in Panama, the United States, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico focused on news related to the business world, highlighting business management, its management, and the strategies used to achieve success.


Rootstack stands out as a successful company in Latin America


In the article, our CEO talked about the journey he has taken to lead the company to success “The team and I have been putting all our efforts to do the best work since Rootstack for more than 12 years, always worrying about achieving the highest quality, having always challenges in larger and more complex projects. The pandemic, without a doubt, was a litmus test for companies around the world and it was a challenge for Rootstack, one that we were able to successfully address.”


factor de exito


The article focused on the company's approach to customer service and how we have brought successful companies from around the world to work with us. In a section of the briefing note, he explained how important it is to take customer needs into account.


He said, "Many times, clients do not have a very clear definition of what they need to grow, and in that sense they need a partner who knows how to capture the potential of the business to propose the most timely digital solution, apart from there is work on the work methodology side and understanding of how the software development and implementation industry works, as well as what are the technologies and solutions that work best for them in order to grow correctly over time”.


You can read the full article on the magazine's website, or by clicking here.


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Rootstack is part of the most recent edition of the magazine "Factor de Éxito"
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