Rootstack in 2023: a year of growth and new experiences

By lmartinez, 12 December, 2023



At Rootstack we are celebrating the close of 2023, one of our best years since the company was founded. Between the more than 100 projects we started and the growth of the team with more than 120 collaborators, we positioned ourselves as one of the most solid technology agencies in Latin America.


Although the company's good year is not only reflected in numbers, but we also continue to grow in knowledge and in the solutions and services available to our clients, highlighting among them Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, and cloud computing.




Our Practice Areas for 2024


For the year that is almost beginning, we are going to focus on our new practice areas, among them we have the Fintech solution. Rootstack stands out as a comprehensive partner for Fintech projects, offering a full range of services designed to drive the success of initiatives in the financial and technology sector.


We also offer custom software development solutions, tailored specifically to the unique needs and requirements of Fintech projects. This ranges from mobile applications and web platforms to data management and analysis systems.


Another area in which we will be leaders by 2024 is in Data Analytics and artificial intelligence. We offer advanced data analytics solutions to extract meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions. We also work on the development of Machine Learning models and implementation of artificial intelligence solutions to automate processes, forecast trends and improve decision making.


Cloud computing will continue to be the flagship enterprise technology solution, just as it was in 2023. Rootstack provides a comprehensive set of cloud computing services designed to meet the changing demands of the business environment. We facilitate the transition of business operations to cloud environments, ensuring a smooth and efficient migration of data and applications. In addition, we offer specialized services in the development of cloud-native applications, taking advantage of the flexibility and scalability offered by cloud computing platforms.




We work on innovative projects


2023 was a year in which we did not stop, our team of experts was involved in several projects that were fully appreciated by clients and allowed them to increase their productivity and stay afloat in a competitive market.


One of the most interesting was done for an organization dedicated to education, the Rootstack team used a GPT engine to search for financial data in the reporting carried out by its internal workers. All the functions of GPT technology, famous for its chatbot tool, were used to create this reporting project, following steps such as the purpose of the report, data sources, choosing the correct model and data entry.


For a financial services company, a platform was developed from scratch to display a dashboard containing transactions within a given time period by product and channels to each Client. That way they can be more transparent when loading them and provide a better experience. Additionally, the client banks of that company can use this information to make business decisions about what steps to take based on organized visual data.


Also, for an international health organization, the Rootstack team created a portal that they will use for all medical experts in the Americas area. Each of these people belongs to a group per country, this committee carries out studies and suggestions for hospitals and ministries, so they worked on a portal for these people to be able to connect between countries, for example, the Panama team will be able to connect with Mexico.




In 2023 we held our great annual event again


In the company of business leaders from Latin America, Rootstack successfully celebrated its first major annual event, where everything related to the latest trends in technology was discussed for an entire day, with the help of some of our most important partners: Microsoft, ValidatedID, Acquia, UiPath and Red Hat.


In addition to attending the talks, more than 15 over the course of the day, attendees had the opportunity to make important professional connections with several rest breaks, enjoying delicious hors d'oeuvres and various types of coffee.


In summary, we had a stellar 2023 and we are prepared to improve ourselves in 2024, where we will continue to offer the best to our customers.


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Rootstack in 2023: a year of growth and new experiences
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