Red Hat: we explain everything you need to know

By dbracho, 6 July, 2022

red hat


In the technological world, changes are a constant. Nothing stays the same for long, as improvements and updates to the technologies and tools we are using are regularly released. And now it is working in the cloud, thanks to the flexibility it brings to companies and teams. In this, Red Hat is a specialist and in this article, we are going to explain what solutions it offers.


"Red Hat offers hardened open-source solutions, which allow companies to work across platforms and environments with ease, from the main data center to the edge of the network," explains Red Hat on its website. His specialty is the design of flexible and robust IT infrastructure solutions.


By offering open-source solutions, Red Hat is always committed to innovation and openness without limits. And it is so attractive for companies that more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies have used Red Hat in some of their processes.


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The challenges in which Red Hat can support your company


  • Your apps aren't cloud-ready
  • You have too many manual tasks
  • You need to work on all your clouds
  • Depends on tools that are not up to date
  • You need to unify your data


Precisely, at Rootstack we are Red Hat partners, thanks to which we can speed up the distribution of solutions and promote innovation in your company. Our experienced engineers are trained to design stable and flexible infrastructures that respond to rapid changes in your processes and flows.


Solutions offered by Red Hat


Hybrid cloud 


In Red Hat's open hybrid cloud, the main thing is to be able to connect the clouds so that you can pass workloads between them. In this cloud, "applications and data move seamlessly between virtualized, on-premises, public cloud, and private cloud environments."


“Hybrid cloud offers a consistent platform across virtual, bare metal, public and private cloud environments. This gives you access to a set of essential features for today's world, such as agility, speed, and portability,” Red Hat added in the documentation.


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Benefits of working with Red Hat Hybrid Cloud include:


  • You can scale capacity up or down without having to redesign applications.
  • You'll get more out of your IT investments.
  • It will improve the stability and security of your systems.


The best thing about a hybrid cloud is that you can combine the adoption and implementation of new technologies and tools in the cloud, without giving up classic systems and traditional infrastructure overnight. Here Red Hat allows to achieve a balance “between new technologies and approaches and the support and modernization of the most important systems that it has today”.


By working in the Red Hat hybrid cloud, you can run and manage your applications anywhere, guaranteeing efficiency and security in this environment.


Cloud native development


For today's companies, cloud-native development has become one of their preferred solutions, allowing them to work quickly and consistently through their software applications. This makes it possible to get more customers, provide them with better services and retain them.


You can build and run innovative, differentiated applications on any public, private, or hybrid cloud using a Red Hat cloud development platform.


SVP of Cloud Platforms at Red Hat, Ashesh Badani, had this to say on this topic: “[Cloud development is] DevOps. They are the containers. They are microservices. It is the hybrid cloud. It's really about changing mindsets so you can embrace what's important in building application services in less time."


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Benefits of cloud-native development


  • You will be able to distribute applications faster


"Development in the cloud gives you strategic flexibility and agility so you can build and run your applications in such environments, and includes continuous integration and deployment best practices," Red Hat detailed in the documentation.


By being able to develop native applications faster in the cloud, your business will also be able to respond faster to customer demands and needs.


  • You will be able to develop new applications that take advantage of the cloud


“A cloud development platform allows you to respond to market trends and quickly turn ideas into products and services. But what do companies need to do to get going? How do teams design and implement a strategy specific to their current situations and needs?", the company pointed out in the same documentation.


“Many companies know that they must achieve faster release speeds and better reliability through approaches such as microservices architecture and more modern tools for development and operations. Historically, one of the great challenges has been the roadmap required for change in legacy environments. OpenShift Application Runtimes help simplify that transformation and reduce the effort and risk to get started with cloud-native development,” said Chris Hart, CTO at Levvel.




Repetitive tasks are often a waste of time if they are not automated. It is that the time that a professional spends doing these tasks, could be used more in strategic tasks and of greater impact for the organization. That is why the automation of tasks came to companies to make a difference and increase productivity.


With Red Hat automation solutions "you can solve old problems in less time, so you can focus on new strategies and projects." This will allow teams to save time and improve task stability, focusing instead on innovating and not doing something repetitive.


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  • Enables standardization and unification of IT automation


“With Red Hat, you have the ability to create a single, easy-to-use automation platform that enables you to seamlessly automate every single IT operation, such as networking, storage, and security, across your entire infrastructure", highlighted in the documentation.


  • Offers an automated IT infrastructure


This translates into greater productivity for your company's teams, as well as a better experience for customers.


“Using management tools to automate routine IT tasks and improve stability can lead to higher productivity. In addition, this will allow teams to focus on achieving a greater impact on the company. By making change easy, you'll have the time and energy to focus on innovation," Red Hat added on its website.


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Red Hat solutions apply to which companies?


It should be noted that, whatever the nature of your company, Red Hat adapts to all industries. Currently its solutions are used in the automotive industry, in the health sector, also offering tools for the financial sector. Red Hat products are also useful for large and medium-sized companies and the public sector. Telecommunications companies also benefit from this technology.


Is your company considering working in the cloud? The best decision you can make is to review Red Hat's solutions, so you can see which one best suits your needs. Contact us! Our team is ready to help you.


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