Why are Nearshore Development services is the ideal choice

By dbracho, 13 April, 2023

nearshore development


In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the adoption of nearshore development by companies across various industries. Nearshore software development is the practice of outsourcing software development services to companies located in nearby countries, usually within the same region or time zone.


One of the primary drivers of this trend is the need for cost-effective software development services while maintaining high-quality standards. Nearshore development companies offer cost savings compared to onshore providers, while still providing high-quality work. Additionally, nearshore providers often have more accessible communication and collaboration due to similar time zones and cultural similarities.


Another factor contributing to the rise of nearshore software development is the availability of a highly skilled workforce in nearby countries. Many countries in Latin America, for example, have invested heavily in education and training for software development, resulting in a pool of highly skilled professionals.


"India continues to be the main destination, Latin America is a growing and competitive market that provides unique value to contracting services", they indicated in the US Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 report, made by Deloitte.


“Businesses are increasingly looking to Europe (particularly Eastern Europe), Latin America, Asia-Pacific nations in addition to India, and even North America as viable options for their outsourcing efforts”, they emphasized.


Furthermore, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the adoption of nearshore development, as it has become more challenging to travel and work in-person with development teams from distant countries.


nearshore development


How the Covid-19 pandemic increased demand for nearshore development services

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly augmented the demand for nearshore software development services. With the pandemic restricting travel and in-person collaboration, companies have had to look for alternative ways to maintain their software development needs. Nearshore development offers a solution to these challenges by providing access to skilled professionals in nearby countries, reducing the need for international travel and in-person collaboration.


Additionally, the pandemic has highlighted the need for agile and flexible software development practices, as companies have had to adapt quickly to changes in the market and shifting customer needs. Nearshore development providers offer the flexibility to quickly scale up or down software development teams based on changing project requirements.


With many companies facing economic uncertainty during the pandemic, cost-effectiveness has become a top priority. Nearshore development services offer significant cost savings compared to onshore providers, making them an attractive option for companies looking to reduce costs without compromising on quality. Read more about differences between Nearshore, offshore and onshore software development.


nearshore development


Why Nearshore Development Services are the ideal choice for US Companies?

Nearshore development services are an ideal choice for US companies for several reasons:


Proximity and Time Zone

Nearshore software development companies are located in nearby countries, usually within the same time zone, making communication and collaboration easier and more efficient compared to offshore development companies. This proximity can help avoid language barriers, cultural differences, and reduce travel costs.



Nearshore development companies often offer cost savings compared to onshore providers, while still maintaining high-quality work. The labor costs in nearby countries are generally lower than in the US, which can translate into lower overall project costs. Learn more about how Much Does Software Development Cost in Austin.


High-Quality Talent Pool with Nearshore Development

Many countries in Latin America, for example, have invested heavily in education and training for software development, resulting in a pool of highly skilled professionals. Nearshore software development companies can provide access to this talent pool, allowing US companies to benefit from their skills and expertise.



Nearshore development companies offer flexibility to quickly scale up or down software development teams based on changing project requirements. This scalability can help companies adapt to changing market conditions and shifting customer needs.


nearshore development


Intellectual Property Protection

Nearshore software development companies are often governed by similar laws and regulations as the US, providing an added layer of intellectual property protection for US companies.


Overall, the benefits of nearshore software services, including proximity and time zone, cost-effectiveness, high-quality talent pool, scalability, and intellectual property protection, make them an ideal choice for US companies looking for software development solutions.


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Characteristics that a good nearshore development company should have

A good nearshore software development company should have the following characteristics:


  • A team of highly skilled developers with expertise in various technologies and programming languages. They should have experience in delivering software development projects for different industries.
  • Communication is key to successful software development projects, and a good nearshore software development company should have effective communication channels and practices. 
  • A good nearshore software development company should have experience with Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban, and Agile project management. 
  • Robust quality assurance processes in place to ensure that the software meets the highest quality standards. 
  • A good nearshore software development company should be flexible in their approach to development projects. They should be able to adapt to changing project requirements, provide suggestions and solutions to problems, and be willing to work collaboratively with the client.
  • Strong security protocols and intellectual property protection measures in place to ensure the confidentiality of client data and protect against data breaches.


nearshore development


Most popular countries when contracting nearshore development services

Some of the most popular countries for nearshore software development services include:



Mexico is a popular nearshore destination due to its proximity to the United States, similar time zones, and a large pool of highly skilled software developers. It is a popular choice for companies looking for cost-effective software development solutions without sacrificing quality.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a well-educated workforce, a stable political climate, and a strong focus on education, making it an attractive destination for nearshore development services. It also has a similar time zone to the United States and a strong cultural affinity with North America.



Colombia has a rapidly growing technology industry, with a large pool of skilled software developers and a favorable business climate. It is a popular destination for nearshore software development services due to its proximity to the United States and cost-effectiveness.



Brazil is a leading technology hub in Latin America, with a large pool of highly skilled software developers and a strong focus on innovation. It is a popular destination for nearshore software development services due to its large market and cultural affinity with the United States.


nearshore development



Argentina has a highly educated workforce, a strong technology industry, and a favorable business climate. It is a popular destination for nearshore software development services due to its cultural affinity with the United States and its large pool of skilled software developers.


Hiring a nearshore development company can offer many advantages to businesses, including cost savings, technical expertise, and cultural affinity. By partnering with a nearshore team, companies can access a larger pool of skilled developers and benefit from similar time zones and cultural similarities that make communication and collaboration easier.


Additionally, nearshore development can provide companies with greater flexibility, as teams can scale up or down depending on project needs. With these benefits and more, it's no surprise that nearshore software development has become an increasingly popular option for companies of all sizes and industries.


Do you need a nearshore development company ready to work on your project? At Rootstack, we have +12 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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