Dedicated Software Developer: Skills needed for this position

By lmartinez, 8 September, 2022

dedicated development


Companies are increasingly in need of a team of experts to be able to maintain their technological equipment and keep their systems updated, including web pages for clients and those for internal use, this is where a dedicated Software Development team comes into play.


When you hire a dedicated software development team, you are putting on your side a virtual team who work from a remote office, in this case it can be a software agency like Rootstack, creating the technological project that the client has in mind.


Reason to Hire a Dedicated Development Team


A company needs technology experts for the aforementioned. Having hired personnel entails devoting a large part of the company's annual budget to paying the salaries that the position deserves.


Hiring a dedicated software development team gives your business tech experts that are always on top of your problems and where you don't have to spend a lot of money.


“By assigning their business operations to remote workers, entrepreneurs can get the same quality as with an in-house team, but for a lower price. Therefore, a dedicated development team in Latin America will develop a piece of software that costs 3 times less than one built by the same team in the United States and 1.5 times less than one made in Western Europe".


it staffing


Skills a Dedicated Software Developer Must Have


The dedicated Software Development team is made up of several developers, who must have certain skills in order to be effective and efficiently and quickly meet the requirements of the client and the project.


A dedicated software developer must possess the following three main skills:


Manage programming language


Perhaps the most important skill. A software developer who does not know any programming language cannot develop or create any application or website. The most important programming languages ​​are Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML and C++.


Database Knowledge


In the Indeed portal they comment “Software developers must know how to search for information, enter new lines of data in a table format and update a system with new materials. They also understand how to protect a database and back up data to preserve a company's information during any unforeseen circumstances.”




To have a successful job as a dedicated software developer, you must have knowledge of data structure and algorithms, in order to determine the combination that will help optimize and run the code that will help create the application or website.


dedicated development


Other skills a dedicated software developer must have:


As summarized in TargetJobs, these skills and knowledge are essential for a person who wants to dedicate himself to software development:


  • Math aptitude
  • Problem solving skills
  • Programming languages ​​(different types of developer roles require different languages)
  • Excellent organization and time management skills.
  • Precision and attention to detail.
  • An understanding of the latest trends and their role in a business environment.
  • Teamwork skills
  • Self-development skills to keep up with rapidly changing trends.


Steps to implement a dedicated software development team


  1. Once the dedicated development team is hired, an estimate of the scope of the project is made, where the tasks and actions to be carried out by the team will be defined.
  2. A selection is made of the profiles that will make up the dedicated software development team, according to the experience and skills required by the project.
  3. The final scope of the project and the proposal are presented, with the team, the deadlines and the budget, explained in Up Tech.
  4. The development of the project begins, in whose stages the company can be involved to monitor the entire creation of the product in question from start to finish.


At Rootstack we have expert developers in dedicated software development, ready to help you with that technological project that you have dreamed of so much.


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Dedicated Software Developer: Skills needed for this position
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