What technologies a mobile app developer must know?

By dbracho, 22 March, 2022

mobile apps


We dare to say that there is no turning back: life has completely changed us as technology has advanced and in the last two years of the pandemic, we have used technology, computers, and smartphones even more to do our day-to-day activities. In this scenario, mobile applications have been essential.


Before the pandemic, of course, mobile applications tools were an important part of people's daily activities, but in recent years, companies have invested much more in creating and improving their applications, so that customers have a better experience and can carry out as many operations as possible without leaving your home.


If in 2016 the number of mobile application downloads reached 140.68 billion, in 2021 this figure reached 230 billion, making clear the growth of the mobile application market. “Mobile apps are projected to generate more than $613 billion in revenue by 2025, the market for which is dominated by gaming apps”, the Statista report added.


Technologies that a mobile application developer should know 


Seeing the importance of having a mobile application with good performance, efficiency and without errors, it is also essential to have mobile application developers who handle the most appropriate tools and technologies in this area, since this guarantees the success of projects and applications itself.


aplicaciones móviles


Visual Studio 


You must know this if you are an Android developer. Visual Studio is a development environment suitable for creating mobile applications for users who use Microsoft or Android devices. “It allows users to code in more or less any coding language they prefer, be it Python or PHP, for example. In addition, called 'Visual Studio', it is not surprising that the platform offers a professional and easy-to-use visual screen, which allows you to see your work first-hand”, explained an article on the Back4App portal.


visual studio

React Native 


One of the most used tools today for the development of mobile applications is React Native because it allows you to create native applications with unparalleled performance.


“It is a JavaScript framework to create real native applications for iOS and Android, based on the React JavaScript library for the creation of visual components, changing their purpose so that, instead of being executed in the browser, they run directly on the platforms. native mobile phones, in this case iOS and Android”, Deloitte published in an article on its website.


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And they added: “React Native uses the same fundamental paradigm of building UI blocks (visual components with which the user interacts) as real native Android and iOS applications, but manages the interaction between them using the capabilities of JavaScript and React”. If you are an Android developer or iOS developer, this is perfect for you.




“It is a tool created by Google for the development of iOS and Android apps, created by Google. With Flutter, from a single code, native apps for both iOS and Android are generated. It is by far the fastest growing app development technology at the moment, and it already has large users such as eBay, Tencent, Google, or Realtor”, explained the Keep Coding portal.






If you need to create a simple mobile application with few requirements, Xamarin is the perfect mobile app development tool for your company. “It is a tool for the development of Microsoft apps. Like React Native, it tries to achieve this by re-leveraging previous knowledge, in this case, of C# and Microsoft's .NET environment. It can be suitable for the development of simpler apps or those whose user interfaces do not have to be too polished", said Keep Coding.


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What technologies a mobile app developer must know?
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