IT staff augmentation USA: Start digital transformation

By dbracho, 1 February, 2023

it Staff Augmentation usa


The word "transformation" sometimes scares us. Yes, because it implies changes, traveling new paths, trial and error. But in the business world, transformations are necessary from time to time in order to grow and continue advancing. And the outsourcing modality of IT Staff Augmentation USA is usually the first step for many companies on their transformation path.


The hiring of IT Staff Augmentation USA resources brings greater productivity and speed to the projects, these profiles are very flexible so they adapt to your industry and the nature of your project. In addition, this external and temporary contracting means a significant cost reduction and, at the same time, less recruitment effort.


And it is a market that is in full growth, especially in recent years: in 2021, the IT Staff Augmentation USA market was valued at 32.50 billion dollars and is expected to reach the figure of 43.68 billion by 2027, according to figures shared by Insight Success magazine.


Before starting with the digital transformation, keep these steps in mind


Sometimes we think that technology is magical: that, once it touches our company, all problems are already solved. Yes, it is a bit like that. But before starting any technology implementation, you must be very clear about certain areas that we will talk about next.


it Staff Augmentation usa


  • Start by defining the problem you have in your company and for which you would need the IT Staff Augmentation USA service.
  • Always keep in mind the needs of your customers.
  • The entire company team must agree to implement this work modality.
  • Evaluate various IT Staff Augmentation USA providers, their experience and past projects.
  • Do research on technologies that might help your project.
  • Talk to digitization specialists to give you a vision of what can be done in your business.


What these steps are looking for is that, as a company, you are clear about the context in which you find yourself, your needs and the possibilities of transformation that your business has. This will serve as a starting point when working with an IT Staff Augmentation USA team.


it Staff Augmentation usa


How to start the digital transformation with IT Staff Augmentation USA


Step 1: Careful selection of the IT Staff Augmentation USA team


This, perhaps, is the most important step. The success or failure of your project will depend on the team you hire. Ask candidates if they have experience advising companies on digital transformations, this would be a valuable plus. If they don't have this experience, then look for a team that has a strategic mindset, analytical thinking, and a solutions-oriented attitude.


Before moving on to the team and resource interview phase, define what skills and tools you need for digital transformation, so that you search for profiles accordingly. In addition, you must give the equipment provider a good context, so that they are clear about the needs of your business and can give you the equipment that best suits that.


Don't skimp on time at this point. Take as much as you need, as it is imperative that the IT Staff Augmentation USA partner understands how a traditional company will transition to the digital side, with all that it implies.


it Staff Augmentation usa


Step 2: Learning and continuing education


The digital transformation of a company must not only come from outside, but from within. In other words, beyond the fact that the company hires resources from IT Staff Augmentation USA, the internal team must also be continuously trained to cover the needs that arise in the business. On the one hand, the company can teach courses or implement a continuous learning plan and, also, the in-house team can learn a lot from the experience of working with more experienced and up-to-date profiles.


As the technological and work context changes, teams must work to adapt as well. That is why training and education activities are essential.


Step 3: Creating a roadmap


Once you have an IT Staff Augmentation USA team, it is important that you develop together the roadmap that will guide the entire project. This plan will be made up of the needs you raised, as well as the recommendations of the provider.


Then you must share this roadmap with the rest of the company team, since they must also be involved in this technological transformation. The more involved and committed they are, the better this transformation will turn out. Its adaptation is essential for all changes and adjustments to be successful.


it Staff Augmentation usa


Step 4: Know and adapt to agile methodologies


One of the benefits of the digital transformation of companies is that product development and creation times are shortened. All this is thanks to agile methodologies and in this regard, a team from IT Staff Augmentation USA can be of great help. First, because they usually already work with these methodologies, such as Scrum. And second, that they can train their internal team to start working under this methodology.


It is about working coordinated, with clear objectives, fulfilling all the tasks according to the established delivery deadlines. Agile methodologies are based on strategically dividing tasks and delivery cycles, so that results can be seen faster and with the fewest possible errors.


it Staff Augmentation usa


Step 5: Change is part of life, so don't despair


In a digital transformation, we know that there are many areas involved, which must work as a gear for the entire process to be successful. But do not panic in the face of this context or the changes. By having a trained team, a clear and logical roadmap, as well as the support of the entire in-house team, nothing has to go wrong. Quite the opposite!


Do you need an IT Staff Augmentation USA team to start your digital transformation? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting global companies. Contact us!


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