Is IT Staffing the right option for your business?

By dbracho, 21 July, 2022

it staffing


In software outsourcing, there are many options to develop your project. You can choose between IT Staff Augmentation, Managed Teams or Managed Services modalities, and delegate the total development of your project to a third party with the Project-Based Model. Likewise, depending on your budget and needs, you can hire nearshore or offshore providers.


But how do you know if any of these options is the best one? How do you know if the IT Staff Augmentation service, for example, is the right option for your project? In this blog we will delve into this topic and we will tell you about the scenarios in which IT Staff Augmentation is the most appropriate modality.


IT Staffing solutions: Reasons to work under the software outsourcing modality


  • In the first instance, IT Staff Augmentation solutions reduce the cost of software development, which represents budget savings for the company.
  • Minimize developer hiring times. In a short period of time, you will be able to get the profiles you need, without going through cumbersome recruitment, testing and hiring processes.
  • It is a flexible modality since you can add skills to the in-house team whenever you need it.
  • With the help of a staff augmentation form, you will be able to concentrate on the most essential and strategic aspects of your business while the outsourcing team takes care of the rest.
  • The development of your products and applications will be faster.


it Staff Augmentation company


Let's start by defining what IT Staff Augmentation is


Staff Augmentation is the employment of temporary staff to fill specific skill gaps in an organization. The workers thus employed are employees of the company, even if they are temporary”, they explain on the portal.


Under this modality, the provider of this service supplies companies with the personnel they need to work directly on their projects. And, although they are not permanent hired personnel, they join the in-house team as if they were one of them.


The technological talent that exists around the world is immense and, thanks to the IT Staff Augmentation solutions, there are no limitations when hiring temporary staff. This service expands the options of professional profiles that you can include in your project, raising its quality and excellence.


One of the key benefits of implementing IT Staffing solutions is that it allows companies to easily scale their teams, according to the needs of the project. No need to spend long weeks recruiting staff, you will simply get qualified staff by picking up the phone and calling an IT Staffing provider.


it Staff Augmentation services


On an economic level, IT Staff Augmentation services are quite profitable for companies, since they only have to pay or invest in the skills they need at a particular time. This allows for better control of expenses and a better-organized budget.


When is the IT Staff Augmentation service the best choice for your business?


You need to strengthen your in-house team

"Although you have internal software developers, it is imperative to complement or improve your current experience when launching new products or launching new projects. In this case, it is appropriate to hire staff via IT Staff Augmentation company", they explained in an article on the Softkraft portal.


You need to meet a deadline

The traditional recruitment process can take up to two months. If you have an urgency to develop a project, you can't wait that long for a software developer, for example. By hiring IT Staff Augmentation, you can obtain experienced and trained dedicated software developers in less than two weeks, immediately joining your project.


it staffing


You need specific skills

“Staff augmentation team is useful when you are facing a lack of resources in the local market and have to meet urgent needs or when there is an unforeseen talent gap that needs to be filled quickly. It is a flexible means of increasing and decreasing the capacity of the equipment according to the current needs of the company”, they detailed in


How to choose between IT Staff Augmentation or Project Outsourcing?


This is one of the most recurring queries from companies. Although they know that outsourcing is the most opportune strategy to accelerate the development of projects and raise quality, sometimes they do not know which service to choose.


Before selecting the outsourcing service under which they are going to work, companies must carefully evaluate the context of their team and their project. By determining the needs, it will be easier to choose the software outsourcing service that best suits you.


“For companies with a strong internal IT team and reliable management, IT staff augmentation can be a good option. Companies usually choose this solution when they need to maintain a certain level of control over the project”, they highlighted in an article on the Netcov portal.


it Staff Augmentation solutions


Plus, with IT Staff Augmentation, you can:


  • Have greater internal control of projects
  • Greater flexibility when accelerating project development
  • Better integration of resources with the internal team


And in this case, a project outsourcing would be better: “For companies whose IT team already manages a full load and who need a project done quickly and with reduced internal management, IT project outsourcing may be the best option".


it Staff Augmentation team


This allows:


  • Release your company's team, since the outsourcing team provider will be in charge of handling all aspects of the project they are developing.
  • Less staff training is needed.
  • They meet deadlines reliably and there are fewer delays.
  • It is a team focused on one project at a time, not distracted by other tasks.


Now that you know in which context IT Staff Augmentation works best, you can assess whether your company needs this service for the next project to be carried out. Do you need support in your digital transformation? Contact us! You can work with one of the best staff augmentation companies in the USA.


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