How does a staffing agency help you find the right talent?

By dbracho, 26 April, 2022

Staff Augmentation


Recruiting staff is one of the most critical tasks facing companies today. There is so much demand for technological talent that it is sometimes very difficult to find the right profile for a project. If the search for engineers or developers is done with little patience, your project can fall into the hands of an inexperienced person who can spoil everything. That is why staffing agencies are increasingly requested by companies.


These staffing agencies help businesses recruit the best IT talent, seamlessly, quickly, and with the assurance that these professionals are the best in their fields. They take care of everything: from the search and evaluation of the profiles, to the hiring. Your company only has to receive them and give them the corresponding instructions so that they can begin their work.


“They check references, review resumes, shortlist candidates, schedule interviews, and place candidates working on the site on behalf of the employer. The candidate is an employee of the employment agency who works under the direction of the employer," they explained in an article on the Apollo Technical portal.


“Using an employment agency to hire employees allows an employer to focus on growing their business, take on additional short-term projects without adding a long-term headcount, and have the ability to reduce headcount and overhead when the projects are completed”, they added about the advantages of using this type of recruitment agency.


Staff Augmentation


Expertise and Cost Advantages


Part of the two great advantages of hiring through staffing agencies is that they have so much experience recruiting staff that they sometimes far outnumber the companies' own human resources teams.


Hiring recruiters, employment specialists, and an employment or recruitment manager to supervise staff could require a lengthy recruitment period to find qualified employees (…) Employment agency employees generally have a higher level of experience related to job knowledge, employment trends and hiring practices by virtue of the continuous placement of employees”, they detailed on the subject in the Small Business portal.


By leaving the recruitment of personnel in the hands of an agency, the company does not have to bear the expenses related to this issue: “Because the employment agencies manage the entire employment process, they also exempt employers from the costs related with pre-employment testing, background checks, and drug screens. Additionally, employers save money related to payroll processing and benefits administration expenses.”


Staff Augmentation


How does the staffing agency allow you to find the right staff?


Another positive aspect of staffing agencies is that they usually have a large database of professionals who have already recruited in the past, so you don't start your search from scratch. In addition, they are already resources whose quality is guaranteed.


“They may have relationships with workers who they have already identified as trustworthy, reliable and conscientious and who can fill a vacancy in a matter of days or even hours. The network that employment agencies maintain is wide from which they can take advantage of potential employees who can occupy any position that an employer may have or anticipate”, they explained in this regard.


In addition, these employment agencies usually offer temporary hiring options, in case you only need staff for a certain period of time or a particular project: "You can hire qualified professionals to cover team members who are on medical leave, for example. Or you may want to provide additional support to your core team during hectic and busy times of the year, such as tax season, the end of the year or the summer vacation season", explained in a Robert Half Solutions's article.


But this temporary hiring can become permanent if the company so wishes: “When you need to quickly expand your list of permanent employees, a specialized recruitment agency makes the hiring process more efficient. Recruiting Specialists help your internal recruiting team cover more ground, faster. They can initiate a search for qualified candidates, screen applicants, and reduce the time and stress caused by many other aspects of hiring a new employee.”


Staff Augmentation


Recommendations when working with a staffing agency


If you have already decided to hire staff through a staffing agency, we present these recommendations so that the relationship flows as well as possible and you can complement your team with the staff you need.


Speak clearly about what you need


You have to be clear about the type of professional your business needs in order to transfer it to the employment agency. Talk about the type of project you are going to develop, the business culture and the work environment, all these data will help the staffing agency to recruit the most suitable profile.


Follow Up


Once the new employee joins your team, do a daily and weekly follow-up of her performance and keep the staffing agency up to date, so that each party knows how this integration is going or if the resource measures up.


What if things don't work out? 


No matter how good the work environment is or even if the hired staff is the most experienced, many times things do not go well due to the lack of compatibility between the parties. If this happens in your company, obviously you have to notify the staffing company, so that they can evaluate what happened and recruit another resource for your project.


Staff Augmentation


More benefits of staffing agencies


  • You don't have to handle payroll
  • Fast hiring
  • You can test a candidate by hiring him on a temporary basis before hiring him permanently
  • Recruitment risks are reduced
  • Greater flexibility and reduction of bureaucratic and legal procedures


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Staff Augmentation
How does a staffing agency help you find the right talent?
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