How to find and hire the best microservices developers

By dbracho, 10 March, 2023



Microservices are a software architecture that is based on the creation of small, independent and autonomous applications, each of which focuses on performing a specific task within a larger and more complex system.


Each microservice is a separate business unit and can be developed, deployed, scaled, and maintained independently of the rest of the services. Instead of building a monolithic application, microservices allow development teams to build and maintain scalable and modular applications.


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Using microservices today: How is that?


According to a survey conducted by NGINX, 68% of companies today are using microservices or are in the research phase to start using them in their processes. This shows the great benefits it brings to businesses in terms of performance and how companies are knowing how to take advantage of these tools provided by technology.


“Walmart Canada, for example, refactored its software architecture into microservices in 2012. The company, which had been unable to handle the 6 million page views per minute it was getting at the time, saw instant results with a significant increase in its rate. of conversion during the night”, they reviewed in CIO this case of success of the microservices.




But it should be noted that microservices not only serve large companies, they are also very effective and efficient in small and medium-sized companies. The productivity and dynamism that they bring to the processes is indescribable.


How microservices work?


Microservices work through a series of components that communicate with each other to perform a task. Each component has a specific function, such as data processing or interaction with a database. These components communicate with each other through an API, which can be based on protocols like REST or gRPC.


In addition, microservices are often implemented using containers, which means that each microservice runs in its own isolated environment, allowing for greater flexibility in deployment and scalability of services.


Microservices also allow for greater flexibility in the use of different technologies and programming languages for different services, allowing development teams to choose the most appropriate technology for each specific task.




The benefits of microservices include the ability to scale and deploy services individually, enabling greater development agility and greater responsiveness to changing business requirements. However, it is also important to note that the implementation of microservices can be more complex than other software architectures and requires careful management to ensure that the services are well integrated and work smoothly.


Usefulness of microservices in companies


Agile development

“Microservices encourage an organization of small, independent teams that take ownership of the services. Teams operate in a small, well-understood context, and are empowered to work more independently and faster. This shortens development cycle times. You benefit significantly from the increased performance of the organization”, AWS explained in one of its articles.



Microservices allow for easier and more granular scalability of services, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market demands and changes in user demand.


Maintenance and updates

Microservices can be individually updated and maintained, which means that companies can make changes to their services without affecting the entire system.




System integration

Microservices can be used to integrate existing systems and applications in an organization, facilitating communication and collaboration between different teams.


Implementation of new services

Microservices can be used to quickly and easily deploy new services to an organization, allowing companies to test and experiment with new products and services.


Analysis of data

Microservices can be used to collect and analyze data in a granular way, allowing companies to obtain more detailed and specific information about their customers and their business in general.


How to Hire a Microservices Developer Houston


As the leader of a company, you should look for a microservices developer that suits the particular needs of your business. In either case, you should have proven experience designing, deploying, and maintaining microservices-based applications.




The ideal candidate should possess some of these characteristics:


  • At least 5 years of experience, according to the My Careers Future portal.
  • Ability to adapt to agile and changing processes.
  • Deep knowledge of Spring and Java.
  • Expert in technical documentation.
  • Knowledge of cloud technologies such as AWS and Azure.
  • Ability to understand and develop a serverless architecture.
  • Experience in integration design patterns such as Kafka or Solace.
  • Knowledge of DevOps and CI/ID
  • Knowledge of microservice design patterns.
  • Experience working on databases such as MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL.
  • API management experience.


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At the time of the interviews, the Indeed portal recommends asking these questions to the candidates to learn a little more about their skills and aspirations:




  • What interests you about microservices architecture?
  • What are your long-term career goals?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • What do you know about our organization?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Are you comfortable working under pressure?
  • How are your communication skills?
  • How would your previous colleagues describe you?
  • Where do you think the software industry will head in the next 10 years?
  • What skills do you think are the most important for a microservices developer?


In addition, it will always be important to ask the candidate about their previous experience working with microservices, what university they studied at, what skills they have that qualify them for that particular position, what types of software architectures they are familiar with, any achievements from their experience, and Any problem that you have been able to solve successfully?


Do you need microservices developers in your software project? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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How to find and hire the best microservices developers
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