Microservices: what we know about the design patterns

By lmartinez, 13 February, 2023



Companies today need to have an optimal presence in the digital field: their users and clients use mobile devices such as phones and tablets for their activities on a daily basis, therefore they must have an attractive application that meets the demands of the public. The Microservices architecture is the one necessary to achieve this.


Also known as the Microservices architecture, it is a style used to structure an application as a collection of services, which has benefits for businesses. These are maintainable, loosely coupled, independently deployable, organized around the company's business capabilities, and owned by a small team.





Microservices Design Patterns


To design a microservices architecture, the patterns should follow the concepts of interface segregation and implementability, as well as accessibility based on consistency events. Also take into account loose coupling and responsibility.


Some of the most important design patterns for microservices are:


  • Aggregator


The term aggregator, in computer language, refers to a web site or application that collects data and then displays it. In microservice designs, aggregator is a fundamental page that is used to call other services and get the data you need, also to perform the necessary function. This is an ideal design pattern for when you need output that combines data from multiple services, because the output source is separated when you move from a monolithic architecture to a service architecture.


  • API gateway


An API-based design pattern is ideal when it comes to answering one of the biggest problems of microservices: when an application must be divided into small autonomous services. The API Gateway pattern is the one that can solve the problems presented by the previous step: the user or developer can change the protocol request type with the help of the API Gateway data structure. You can also delegate responsibility to the microservice for authentication and permission.


  • Chain of responsibility


In Knowledgehut they explain this pattern as follows “A single output that is a combination of multiple chained outputs is produced by chained and perhaps even chained accountability design patterns for microservices. So if three services are arranged in a chain, Service A is the first to receive the request from the client. This service then exchanges information with Service B after that and collects data. Finally, to create the consolidated output, the second service interacts with the third service. All of these services use synchronous HTTP requests or responses for messaging.




  • Asynchronous messaging


Opting for an asynchronous messaging design pattern in Microservices allows you to reduce customer waiting time in conventional or synchronous communications. This pattern allows all services to communicate with each other, without any obligation or path with any particular order.


For example: if you have services A, B and C, Client requests can be simultaneously routed directly from the client to Services C and B. There will be a queue for these requests.


  • Shared data pattern


“Since the microservices API will be accessing the database primarily, you can choose one database per service to address the first three issues. Therefore, each microservice will have its own database ID, which will prevent other services in the system from using that specific database. In addition, you can choose common databases per service to align multiple databases for each microservice to address the denormalization issue” they explain in Knowledgehut.


Among the potential problems that this Microservices design pattern can solve are duplication of data, the need for various forms of storage, having more business transactions to query data, and denormalization of data.


microservice houston


How to hire microservice development in Houston 


To hire a microservice development team in Houston, you can follow these steps:


  • Identify your requirements: Before starting your search for a development team, you need to determine your requirements for the microservices you want to develop. This will help you to find the right team with the required skills and expertise.
  • Research: Look for microservice development companies or individual developers in Houston. You can search on Google, LinkedIn, or any other job posting platforms to find relevant candidates.
  • Shortlist: Once you have a list of potential candidates, shortlist them based on their experience, skills, and expertise. You can also ask for their portfolio and references to evaluate their work.
  • Interview: Interview the shortlisted candidates to assess their technical skills and their fit with your project requirements. You can conduct a technical interview or a coding test to evaluate their skills.
  • Evaluate: Evaluate the candidates based on their interview performance, portfolio, references, and cost. Compare them to select the best candidate who meets your project requirements.
  • Hire: Once you have selected the candidate, negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract and sign the agreement. Ensure that the scope of work, timeline, and payment terms are clearly defined in the contract.
  • Manage: Once the team is onboarded, you need to manage the project closely to ensure that it meets your expectations. Schedule regular meetings with the development team to review progress, identify issues, and discuss any changes to the scope of work


At Rootstack we have the expertise that your project needs for the implementation of microservices. We can get your project ready faster and we also handle all the necessary tools to work with microservices. Contact us and let's start working together for the benefit of your company.


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Microservices: what we know about the design patterns in this architecture
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