E-learning: The Evolution of Education in The Digital World

By Anonymous (not verified), 24 November, 2020



In an increasingly digital world, e-learning has come to revolutionize traditional educational methods, and it’s here for the long run. The worldwide e-learning market is projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025. E-learning is all about teaching and learning through platforms created on the Internet making information accessible from anywhere, any time.


Technologies like Moodle, Lectora, and many others have transformed a large part of the traditional educational spaces. The diversity of methods and resources used makes it easier to adapt to the characteristics and needs of students. Just to name a few examples, we can mention BumoBrain, a program specially designed for children, or Stanford online classes, courses by the prestigious ivy league university.


Also, beyond classroom education, self-study programs have become important at a corporate level not only for employees but also for entrepreneurs. Training courses in an e-learning platform add value to traditional learning modes, offering fully-targeted courses that can be carried out at the employee's own pace.




Advantages to consider when doing E-Learning


So, let’s mention some of the benefits of e-learning:


  • 24/7 access to information
  • Interactive spaces to form online communities
  • Flexibility and convenience for the user
  • Possibility to save documents, videos, presentations and other assets
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Customizable learning environment
  • Self-paced approach
  • Easy and fast training
  • Updated contents
  • Better suited for life in a globalized world
  • Environmentally friendly


Challenges to have in mind


All in all, flexibility and adaptability are the keywords for this innovative learning alternative. Of course, there are still some challenges to tackle in order to accelerate this digital transformation process.


To start with, there is a gap in tech accessibility that cannot be forgotten. Although this varies from country to country, not everyone has access to the equipment needed to go through with complete online courses, and until this is the case it is hard to position e-learning as the ultimate option. Also, not all institutions have their tech game ready to provide online education at scale, so it is natural for them to take some extra time to continue modernizing their processes, platforms and curriculums. At the same time, students also need to adapt to this new modality since even though many enjoy the newfound flexibility, some are also struggling with the physical distancing aspects and the feeling of isolation. Not only this, not all teachers are used to these learning technologies and need extra time and training to fully adjust to this new way of doing things.




To round up


It is also convenient to mention that organizations need to be well advised on the digital possibilities that exist for this transition to happen. To make the best use of these educational tools, it is essential to know which ones exist and which possibilities they offer, and here is when working with an expert technology partner comes in handy. A technology solutions company like Rootstack can help any organization define the best strategy and approach towards online learning and help with the development and implementation of innovative solutions that deliver custom-fit results.


While the pandemic has accelerated change in the education industry, this transformation was long overdue. While there is still a lot to learn and challenges to handle with edtech, powering education through technology will slowly open multiple possibilities that will expand the horizons of learning in ways we couldn’t have imagined before.


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E-learning: The Evolution of Education in The Digital World
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