Different types of web design

By Anonymous (not verified), 30 May, 2017
![enter image description here](https://cms.rootstack.com/sites/default/files/blog/img/wem.jpg) The technological impact on users is growing, the attraction of new implementations becomes common among the target audience of each type of business and more and more strategies are created based on the expectation. With this blog we would like to **solve the doubts** that exist about the design and its adaptations. Each company aims to attract the most users so that they become potential customers if the impact or the first visit to the website is positive, providing the necessary information and expected dynamism. As part of each development project it will define the design expected by the company, hand in hand with visual proposals helping you make the best decision on this new implementation. There are still companies that have fixed designs on websites, where the design is defined by pixels, maintains its size at all times which visually affects the user on different browsers or devices. The purpose of the website is to be the first face of the company where it correctly transmits the objectives and services of the company in a clear way. This type of design tends to be obsolete on the competition, decreases the traffic and does not generate confidence in the company. There are designs on templates available and adaptable to websites, as a catalog you can select and check how the design is handled in other sites. As a disadvantage we can mention that a template is not a unique design, it may be available to any user and company taking away the value of a unique design to your type of business. To change some element of the design, the content should be migrated to another site as it is not allowed to make drastic changes on designs with author, making your company offer a low level of usability. On the other hand, you can choose a responsive design, where it will adapt to any size of screen. The user will be able to access from any device, all the graphic elements will adapt giving a perception that was created specifically for that device as an optimum and efficient technique. **Among the benefits of responsive design we can highlight** - **Improves user experience** - **SEO optimization** - **Better branding** - **Allows an easy access** - **Flexible content** - **High visibility** - **Efficient site management** t is important to take into account the expectations of the target audience and the role of development. Knowing the punctual elements that each user is looking for you will be able to focus the strategies in the optimal fulfillment. Your customers will be able to freely navigate each module of your website generating more traffic and innovating with each new implementation above the competition.
Different types of web design
Text Color
Text Alignment
Overlay effect
Hide overlay effect