Drupal Web Development: Core Features for Business Leaders

By lmartinez, 15 August, 2024
drupal web development


In 2024, businesses face increasing challenges when trying to deliver robust, scalable, and secure web experiences. In this context, Drupal web development emerges as a powerful and flexible solution, especially for organizations looking for a highly customizable and reliable platform.


Over the years, Drupal has proven its ability to adapt to the needs of businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations, with a wide range of functionalities that support both content management and the creation of comprehensive digital experiences.


This article breaks down Drupal's key functionalities, explaining why this content management system (CMS) is a strategic choice for business leaders who want to implement sophisticated digital solutions.


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Drupal: A Robust and Scalable Ecosystem


Drupal is an open-source CMS designed to create, manage, and scale complex websites and digital applications. Its flexibility and modularity have been instrumental in its popularity, allowing businesses to create custom sites that can grow and evolve along with market demands.


To truly understand how Drupal web development can benefit a business, it is crucial to explore the core functionalities that set it apart from other platforms.


1. Modularity and Extensibility: The Essence of Drupal


One of the most outstanding features of Drupal is its modular approach. The platform offers a robust “core,” complemented by thousands of community-contributed and custom modules. This means that regardless of a business’s specific needs, it is possible to extend Drupal to meet those demands.


Modules in Drupal allow for adding specific functionality, from advanced forms to integrations with CRM and marketing tools. Some popular modules include:


  • Views: To create custom content lists and pages.
  • Pathauto: To automatically manage friendly URLs.
  • Webform: To build complex interactive forms.


The modular approach not only offers flexibility but also allows the site to scale as the business grows. Companies can start with a basic solution and then add additional functionality as their needs evolve.


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2. Powerful and Flexible Content Management


At the heart of any business website is the need to efficiently manage content. Drupal excels in this regard thanks to its structured content management system. With Drupal, leaders can design personalized experiences by segmenting content for different audiences and managing multiple types of content from a single interface.


Some key capabilities include:


  • Content Types and Fields: Drupal allows you to create multiple types of content (articles, blogs, products, etc.) with custom fields for each.
  • Taxonomy and Categorization: Drupal offers an advanced system for categorizing and organizing content, making it easy to create complex hierarchies and relationships between pages.
  • Workflows and Permissions: The platform supports custom workflows, with fine-grained permissions controlling who can create, edit, or publish content at different stages of the process.

These capabilities are especially valuable for businesses that need to maintain multiple sites or manage large volumes of content, such as e-commerce sites, media outlets, or educational institutions.


3. Strong Security for Modern Businesses


Security is a priority for any business that runs a website or digital application. Drupal is renowned for its rigorous approach to security, with an active community that quickly identifies and fixes vulnerabilities.


Some notable security features include:


  • Granular Access Control: Drupal allows you to define roles and permissions at a very detailed level, ensuring that only authorized individuals access sensitive areas of the site.
  • Regular Security Updates: The Drupal community maintains a regular schedule of security updates, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest patches.
  • Protection Against Common Threats: Drupal integrates protections against attacks such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

These features have made this technology the platform of choice for government organizations and large corporations that require high-security standards.


drupal web development


4. Multisite and Multilingualism: Simplified Global Expansion


Many companies need to manage multiple websites or offer content in multiple languages. With Drupal, these tasks are simplified thanks to its native multisite and multilingual capabilities.


  • Multisite: Drupal allows you to manage multiple websites from a single installation, which reduces maintenance costs and facilitates centralized administration.
  • Multilingualism: The platform natively supports multiple languages, including localization and translation of content, interfaces, and configurations.

These functionalities are essential for companies that operate in different geographic markets or that need to maintain multiple websites for different brands or divisions.


5. Integrations and API-First: Ready for the Future


In an environment where interoperability is key, Drupal stands out for its API-first approach, which allows it to easily integrate with other business systems, from CRM and ERP to marketing automation tools.


Drupal's API-first approach makes it easy to create modern web applications and omnichannel experiences. Businesses can use Drupal as a headless CMS, where content is managed in the Drupal backend but delivered through a variety of interfaces, such as mobile apps, websites, voice assistants, and more.


Additionally, Drupal offers native integrations with popular platforms like Salesforce, Marketo, and HubSpot, allowing businesses to maximize their existing technology investments while maintaining centralized control of content.


6. Community and Enterprise Support


Drupal is backed by one of the largest and most active communities in the open-source world. This means access to a vast amount of resources, from contributed modules to forums and detailed documentation. For businesses looking for premium support, there are specialized companies that offer professional development and support services, ensuring the stability and evolution of the project.


Additionally, for organizations that require assistance beyond the community, Drupal is backed by companies like Acquia, which offers enterprise support, hosting, and advanced optimization services.


Adopting Drupal web development is not just a technical issue; is a strategic decision that can have a profound impact on a company’s ability to adapt, grow, and compete in an increasingly demanding digital marketplace.


With its robust functionality and ability to support large-scale projects, Drupal remains the ideal choice for visionary companies that understand that digital success requires a solid, secure technology foundation primed for continuous innovation.


At Rootstack we have over 14 years of experience working with Drupal, so we can guarantee you a development team with all the knowledge necessary to create the website that your company needs.


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Drupal Web Development: Core Features for Business Leaders
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