Challenges in the process of transition to Digital Marketing

By Anonymous (not verified), 1 June, 2017



The challenges faced by a company during the process of transition to Digital Marketing are enough, but How do I adapt my business to the new digital age?


As a new approach to customers assuring their loyalty, you will be able to implement digital tools tailored to your business by improving brand positioning. We must have the knowledge of all the trends of digital marketing to create strategies focused on the different digital media.


By means of methodologies adapted to the fulfillment of objectives could implement sections integrated into your website to the social networks of the company as communication with the clients.


As a benefit of Digital Marketing, you will be able to:


  • Create specific campaigns with measurable goals
  • Notify customers about real-time news
  • Connect directly with your target audience
  • Achieve cover the market with just one click
  • You can save resources in a remarkable way
  • Best user experience


Now, how to make the transition correctly?


  • Have an online presence

    • You can develop the corporate website with a dynamic and exclusive design for your business type, focus strategies on the initial objectives and define each section of the site in an automated way.


  • Create an appropriate content plan

    • The content will have an important role within the website, if it has sections, titles, and generally attractive content that can increase traffic standing out among the competition of your sector, stay in the consumer's mind and generate communication with potential customers.


  • Updates

    • All digital tools must be updated, the active user notices each change and new trend not applicable. The challenge of each company is to know its type of customer and maintain interest in each user. Through social networks, implementation on the site, and within the initial marketing plan, you can constantly update information increasing user satisfaction.


  • Measure results

    • The strategy of digital marketing is dynamic and flexible, you can measure each campaign, new implementation on website, site subscriptions, online advertising, reception of social networks, and post promoted at the time it is required.


Industries benefiting from digital marketing


Moving all marketing processes to digital is beneficial for these industries:


Marketing Agencies


It's no surprise that traditional marketing agencies are benefiting from the digital age. Digital marketing constitutes all the interactions between the company and the consumer and with the experience in resources and tactics that advertisers have, they can benefit greatly from these interactions.


With all companies moving to the digital plane, marketing strategies must adapt to the new reality to survive, implementing strategies in social networks, seeking to increase the SEO of their web pages, paying for internet banners, automated email campaigns, and other digital channels.


Legal industry


Law firms function in part as a means to present complicated processes to their clients in a way that is easy to understand, work, as well as a kind of publicists since they must synthesize several complicated and cumbersome steps in a few words. Digital marketing is convenient for legal firms since with it they can directly access their clients using tools such as blogs and newsletters to make themselves known and, after capturing leads, always be present before them, offering valuable information.




One of the sectors hardest hit in recent years by the Covid-19 pandemic. In the midst of hospitals full of patients with the virus, there were still millions of people in the world with other health problems that needed a solution, this is where digital marketing tools come in.




The health sector used blogs, social networks, and automated emails to remain present in the lives of their patients, providing information to their queries. They also used channels such as video calls to be able to see their patients and offer a diagnosis without having to leave their homes, thus taking care of their health.


Retail sales


Over the years, millions of people around the world have moved their long shopping trips to shopping centers to a few minutes in front of the computer or the phone choosing the clothes they want to buy, thus strengthening the arrival of e-commerce. Digital marketing has worked for retail companies to be able to promote themselves through means close to their current consumers: automated emails, social networks, and newsletters.




Marketing has always played a crucial role in the automobile industry. Given the luxury products that they are, automakers have always invested in marketing, whether it be through magazines, TV commercials, radio ads, billboards, etc. Today, that has evolved through digital marketing solutions that have become the main tool for promoting and selling cars. Furthermore, digital marketing is saving the auto industry thousands of dollars compared to traditional marketing tactics.




We live at the time of delivery. Since March 2020, people have completely changed their way of ordering food: from going to the trendy restaurant, to ordering their favorite dishes through applications and eating at home. Digital marketing is vital to this industry because with the use of social media and paid ads, restaurants and various food services can be in the same place where most of their customers are: the internet.


Digital marketing campaigns have focused on capitalizing on the connection that people have with some type of food or with the establishment, resulting in high sales and high effectiveness for this industry.




In the past, it was customary to go to a movie theater early to see the trailers of the next movies to be released. The big Hollywood studios have decided to use digital marketing to promote their productions through social networks and paid advertisements.


It is clear that each company must be up to date with new trends and more with how beneficial it is about saving resources. The transition to digital marketing requires effective and comprehensive strategies to achieve final reach.


Being available online will require active digital media if a client writes through a social network or your website is expected to be a short response time and generate satisfaction with the results.


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Challenges in the process of transition to Digital Marketing
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