AWS vs Azure: Which is better for your company?

By dbracho, 6 December, 2022

azure aws


When discussing cloud services, it is impossible to ignore the solutions that AWS and Azure provide. They are the largest and most powerful platforms in this regard, supported by Microsoft and Amazon, respectively. Due to the flexibility they provide, as well as the efficiency and strategic value they add to businesses, many companies are looking for services in the ocean nowadays.


Table of Contents

  • Benefits of cloud services offered by AWS and Azure
  • What is Azure?
  • Azure Benefits
  • What is AWS?
  • AWS Benefits
  • Azure vs AWS: Which is better for your business?


Benefits of cloud services offered by AWS and Azure


  • Scalability
  • Public, private or hybrid storage
  • Virtual private cloud
  • Greater accessibility to data
  • Speed up the launch of products to the market
  • Allows you to save on hardware and other equipment
  • You only pay for the resources used


What is Azure?


Before starting with the comparison between AWS vs Azure, let's start talking specifically about Azure.




"More than 200 cloud-based products and services make up the Azure platform, all of which were created to help you bring new solutions to life and solve present-day problems while also imagining the future. Create, run, and manage applications using their preferred tools and frameworks in various nacres, local environments, and metro areas", according to the company's documentation.


Azure offers a wide range of solutions for many industries, including the health, financial, government, minority sales, and manufacturing sectors. Whether it be DevOps services, business analysis, or even Internet of Things solutions, businesses may activate them within the Azure environment.


Azure Benefits


  • Reduce migration costs, and the subsequent investment is very profitable over the long and short term.
  • Increase business productivity if your team already uses Microsoft 365 or Dynamics 365.
  • Permit saving money on Azure virtual machines.
  • It offers a savings plan; you can choose one and the amount of money you want to spend per hour.
  • provides incredible speed while developing, testing, and deploying new applications.
  • Permits processing of large volumes of data using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Azure has 40 data centers, so businesses can back up their data in more than one location if necessary.
  • Companies only pay for the resources they actually use.




What is AWS?


The cloud infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services enables businesses to lower their overall operating costs and quickly start developing new applications and products in a secure, adaptable, and accessible environment.




"Millions of customers trust AWS to power their infrastructure and applications. Startups and organizations of all sizes and types use AWS services to experiment, innovate more quickly, cut costs, and be more agile", according to AWS documentation.


They added: “AWS services come in many shapes and sizes, from infrastructure technologies like compute, storage, and databases to emerging technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, data lakes and analytics, the Internet of Things, and more".


AWS benefits


  • The entire AWS environment is intuitive and easy to use.
  • AWS solutions are flexible and scalable.
  • Your applications or systems can be scaled up or down based on the demand for resources.
  • It's cost-effective, you only pay for the resources you use, without having to sign long-term licenses or contracts.
  • AWS offers free trial offers of its solutions before activating a particular service.
  • It allows you to deploy your application in various regions of the world with just a couple of clicks.
  • The speed that AWS offers is valuable, you can test and use resources in just minutes.




Azure vs AWS: Which is better for your business?


  • Prices


In terms of pricing, both Azure and AWS have a “pay only for the resources you use” model, so in this they are very similar. But there are differences in terms of storage capacity.


"Unfortunately when it comes to storing large volumes of data (between 50 TB and 500 TB) AWS loses percentage performance," they explained on the InGenio educational portal. "Amazon may be ideal for putting large databases in the cloud, but when it comes to uploading applications, the Microsoft Azure cloud is better equipped," they added.




  • Integration with other applications


One of the great advantages of Azure over AWS is that because many companies use the Windows operating system and applications like Microsoft 365 or Dynamics 365, the integrations are very easy and powerful.


If a company already uses Microsoft products, it is very likely that they will end up implementing Azure, since this could also get discounts and special offers.


  • Availability in regions


While AWS is available in 25 regions spread across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific; Azure reaches over 60 regions.




  • Computing


The AWS model is based on EC2 instances, while Azure is based on virtual machines that help in the deployment of applications in the cloud.


  • Applications development


The Azure environment makes application development much easier by using the same Windows application language.


Which to choose?


Both AWS and Azure share similarities in terms of the services and benefits they offer, as both services are appropriate for:


  • Handle large volumes of data
  • Digital marketing companies
  • E-commerce tasks
  • Government Services
  • Internet of things
  • Private clouds


So choosing one or the other service will depend on the particular context of your company and the specific needs of your project. We recommend seeking advice from a technology partner to choose the right tool. At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience digitally transforming companies, Contact us!


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AWS vs Azure: Which is better for your company?
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