Integration of Validate ID and Mautic with Rootnet

By dbracho, 30 September, 2021



In a digitized reality, immediacy has become an essential value in the workflow. Waiting days for the signing of a document means delays in the development of a project, wasting both time and resources. And speaking of how valuable time is, it was also urgent to automate email campaigns as well as the management of customer and contact segments.


Our solutions


Faced with this scenario, Rootstack developed the integration of Validate ID and Mautic with Rootnet, to digitize the signing of legal documents and achieve automated management of the CRM customer and contact list with Mautic. With both integrations we wanted to enhance the workflow, saving time and reducing team delays executing manual tasks.


How we run the Validate ID + Rootnet integration


Validate ID is one of the most powerful digital signature software in the industry and we created a successful integration with Rootnet, specifically with the Workflow module. This module works like a BPM since it allows to structure and show efficiently how a process is developed and what are the stages that compose it. It describes step by step what has happened in the execution of a project, what is its progress, who is in charge of approving each stage and if there are dependencies between one stage and another.




Many of the processes that are handled in the Workflow module involve stages with signatures of legal documents. With the Validate ID + Rootstack integration, this process was streamlined allowing the digital signature of documents, instead of being tied to physical signatures on paper.


Through Validate ID, we simply start the signature flow within the Workflow. Then the person who must sign receives an email notification with the link to the contract, opens it and at once the platform where they will leave their signature is generated. Once the person has signed, Rootnet recognizes this action and notifies the author of the document that the required signature is ready.


It is a very complete integration between Validate ID and Rootnet since it not only sends the document by mail for a person to sign but also sends notifications to the people who have the signature pending. Rootnet constantly monitors the status of documents with Validate ID: it tracks all the events involved in signing a document.

validated id



The integration of Validate ID with the Rootnet Workflow module did not represent any complications. When working with the APIs, we use the corresponding documentation to learn how to consume the Validate ID API services.


In addition, as the documents to be signed are always changing, we worked with a template module that we had but we altered it so that it could receive the tokens. With tokens, we can have a contract in a specific template, for example, and alter different sections of the document according to the need of the moment.

Suppose we have a template of a hiring document to which we need to add a table. You just have to paste a table token to that template and when you send the document to Validate ID, the platform will detect that token and display it in the file received by the person who must sign it.


Mautic + Rootnet integration


This was also quite a necessary and productive integration. Rootnet is very flexible and supports integration with different mailing software, including Mautic, free software that has stood out in the industry for its powerful functionalities and the scalability it presents to adapt to any company.


validate id


We have a series of standards that we respect to integrate with a mailing service, so when programming it is simple because we already have a base on which to work. 


The first thing we did was study Mautic, learn how it worked and analyze each of the actions that this platform supported. We found that it allows adding and deleting contacts, adding groups or segments of contacts, creating campaigns, among other functionalities. Once we determined the functionalities we needed from Mautic, we reviewed the documentation related to the APIs to later integrate with Rootnet.


What did we achieve with this project? The integration of the Rootnet CRM contacts with the Mautic contact lists and segments. In other words, when creating a contact in the CRM, it automatically goes to the Mautic segments, without having to create the contacts in each of the platforms separately.



validate id


In this way, all the Mautic user has to do is worry about creating automated email campaigns, without having to invest time and effort creating contacts on this platform, since it comes automatically from the Rootnet CRM.


The support stage was very important in this integration since the constant evaluation of Mautic's performance with Rootnet allowed us to optimize the user experience, improving the speed and functionalities of this platform.


At Rootstack, we have more than 10 years creating technological solutions for various companies in Latam, the United States, and Canada. We have the necessary expertise to create any kind of platform. Let's talk!

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Integration of Validate ID and Mautic with Rootnet

Rootstack managed to integrate a digital signature and email campaign automation software to Rootnet to streamline processes in the company.

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About Integrations for Rootnet Automation


Rootnet Suite is a platform with several modules that allow the administration of the vital processes of a company, managing from the customers and the sales cycle to monitoring the development of projects and the tasks of the teams. It has a flexible architecture that allows integration with different software and applications that further enhance the functionalities of this software.

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