Which language is easier, Perl, Python or Ruby?

By lmartinez, 16 November, 2022



Programming languages ​​are some of the most complex and functional technological tools, with which developers are able to create the applications and websites with which we interact on a daily basis. Despite how intricate they can be, there are some that are easy to learn for people who want to start in this world, among them are Perl, Ruby and Python.


Before knowing which of the three languages ​​is easier to learn, we can review defining each one of them and knowing a little about its characteristics and what it is used for.


ruby on rails


What is Ruby?


One of the oldest programming languages, Ruby has lost popularity among developers, but that doesn't take it away from being a favorite. On their official website they define it as a dynamic and open-source language, focused on simplicity and productivity. It has a syntax that is easy to read, making it ideal for beginners and inexperienced developers.


Among the most popular aspects of Ruby are its speed of development, ease of learning, and great documentation, with libraries full of information for developers.


Ruby is even a language that took many features from Perl for its creation, as its creator Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto admitted, in addition to commenting that he always tried to make Ruby simple, in a way that imitated natural life.


What is Python?


A multifunctional language and ideal for automating tasks, as well as creating applications and websites. Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​at the moment, leading any survey carried out by specialized sites on the subject, being used not only by developers, but also by people from different professions.


For a correct definition, we turn to what they say on their official website: “Python is a high-level interpreted programming language, object-oriented and with dynamic semantics. Its built-in high-level data structures, combined with dynamic typing and binding, make it very attractive for rapid application development, as well as for use as a scripting language or glue to connect existing components together.”


Its main use today is to build applications and machine learning tools, it is also used to automate tasks such as download folders, recurring processes within the daily activity of a company and others.


Because it is widely used by people outside of the technology field, it makes it one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn and is also widely in demand in the workplace.




What is Pearl?


With more than 30 years on the market, Perl is one of the oldest programming languages ​​in history and surely thousands of software developers and engineers took their first steps with it.


On their page they comment "Perl is a programming language rich in features and highly capable", in addition to informing that it has more than 25 thousand module extensions and an extensive library supported by a large community of developers who keep it updated.


Due to its age and wide use, Perl is easy to learn for people who are interested: the information is available in multiple languages, and it is always updating and adapting to new trends in technology.




Perl, Python or Ruby: which is easier to learn


The general feeling among developers and experts in the area points to a language: Ruby. Due to its elegant and simple syntax, its complex library full of useful information, and OOP support, Ruby is the ideal language for beginners, and anyone interested in taking their first steps in programming.


Python, for its part, would be a close second. Its extensive library, code that is easy to write and read, and its focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning make it the most popular and most attractive when looking for a job within a software agency or an IT team at any company.


Despite its age, Perl is the most difficult to learn due to its complete source code, which is not friendly at all for a person who does not have complex programming or related knowledge.


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Which language is easier, Perl, Python or Ruby?
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