What software do I need to create a successful e-commerce website?

By dbracho, 7 March, 2022



Although e-commerce has been growing progressively in recent years, the pandemic fully accelerated this expansion, forcing traditional companies to digitize their businesses. If there was any that was resisting change, then they must have already become aware of how important it is to have an Internet presence with e-commerce.


In Latin America, the growth of e-commerce has been a boom: according to data provided by the statistical firm Statista, profits from e-commerce in this region will increase by up to 40% between now and 2025, being an area in which definitely all companies have to invest as soon as possible.


The benefit of e-commerce is that users can not only access it from their computers, but also from mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets. In fact, Statista also reported in another of its reports that buyers through cell phones exceeded 109 million users, so it is clear that having an electronic commerce would expand the horizon of your company and your products much more.


What software do I need to create a successful e-commerce website?


Now that we have reviewed statistics that confirm how essential it is to have an e-commerce today, we can then talk about the software or platforms that you can use to create your business website. There are many e-commerce platforms in the tech industry, but you need to assess which features fit your needs.




There are open source platforms, with a license, others that are more flexible and customizable, and others with more standard features that allow you to launch your e-commerce online in a matter of hours. Everything will depend on what your business needs to offer a timely and efficient service to your customers.




“It is one of the largest e-commerce platforms today and offers services for creating online stores, integrating product catalogs, shipping management. Its functionality is quite simple, it has a friendly interface and you can choose from a wide variety of templates to create an online store to your liking”, they explained in an article published in Rankia.


It is a platform that allows you to sell your products from anywhere in the world… to the whole world. It also provides facilities to promote your business with efficient digital marketing strategies. From a clean and intuitive interface, you will be able to manage all your orders, shipments and payments in a very easy and fast way.






If you want a totally personalized e-commerce, with very specific functionalities for your business, a very good option is Magento. It is a very powerful and open source CMS, flexible and open to any type of company and industry.


"It has multiple extensions that include functionalities for payments, shipments, taxes, analytics and logistics, essential when competing in electronic commerce", they detailed in this regard in the Marketing 4 Commerce portal. In this same article they explained that there are two modalities of Magento, the Opensource version that is free and Magento Commerce, for which a license must be paid that includes services such as consulting and hosting, as well as technical support when necessary.




In recent years it has grown a lot, reaching greater popularity especially in Europe, since Prestashop is of French origin. “One of its most relevant features is the ability to work with digital products. It is suitable for companies of all sizes and works with many payment platforms, including Paypal, Authorize.net, Google Checkout, Skrill, Moneybookers, Klarna, Redys and more”, they commented in an article on the Cyberclick portal.




Drupal Commerce


Drupal is known for providing one of the most powerful and flexible CMS on the market, being open source. It allows building e-commerce efficient, flexible and full of features, which drive any business. It offers companies hundreds of components and improvements that they can apply to their e-commerce, to configure them easily and quickly, going to market without complications.


Drupal Commerce is the only commerce platform built on top of an enterprise CMS. It seamlessly connects content and products to drive online sales and influence offline sales through a rich user experience, optimized marketing tools, and proven SEO tools.


In addition, it is very easy to use, your team will get used to this system very quickly: “Drupal Commerce provides a customizable workflow and development management system that makes it easy for non-technical staff to execute changes and test new ideas, which which makes it the perfect choice for marketing-driven commerce.”




Now that you know several of the most successful and used e-commerce platforms on the market today, we recommend that you evaluate your business and its needs, so that you can choose the platform that best suits your profile. Do you need us to help you with this? Contact Us!


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