What is the main difference between ReactJS and React Native?

By lmartinez, 11 April, 2022

react native


Mobile applications have gained more and more ground in today's digital landscape. According to figures from Statista, the total revenue in the app market is expected to reach $465.655 million in 2022. This reflects the importance of technologies for developing mobile apps, such as React Native.


Billed as a “sister” to ReactJS, React Native is an open-source technology developed by Facebook for building native, cross-platform mobile apps from the same code base written in JavaScript and React.


ReactJS, on the other hand, is a JavaScript framework that allows you to quickly and efficiently create user interfaces by including Java files in your HTML. It can also be described as a Java library that you can use to create a different user interface through different components that help build and define the structure of the application you are working on.


Despite sharing a name, there are marked differences between the two and in this blog, we will talk about them.


Main differences between ReactJS and React Native


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The main difference between the two is that React Native is a framework, while ReactJS is considered a Javascript library that you can use in the development of your website. To use ReactJS, you must first run a bundler like Webpack, while React Native comes with everything you need to develop your mobile app.


Another of its differences is that Reactjs can be described as a basic derivative of React DOM, for the web platform, while React Native is a basic derivative itself, which means that the syntax and workflow remain the same. same, but the components are modified.


In ReactJS, the developer uses the virtual DOM to render all lookup code, while in React Native, native APIs are used to render components in the mobile app.


While apps and websites built with ReactJS render HTML into UI, React Native uses JSX to render the UI, which is basically Javascript.


In Reactjs, the animation is possible using CSS, just like web development, while in React Native, an animated API is used to induce animation in different components of the React Native app.


These are the main differences between these two frameworks, one of the most used to develop applications and websites. Our expert developers have managed to provide fast and effective solutions to our international clients with the use of these technologies.


In our team of developers, there are several React experts who put all their talent and skills into creating websites and applications for international companies, providing solutions to many technical problems that they may have.


One particular project that stands out was the development of a website for an insurance company located in Panama. With React, our developers build a system that handles apps, complaints, and other customer interactions.


React helps you create interactive user interfaces easily. Design simple views for each state in your app, and React will efficiently update and render the correct components when data changes.


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What is a hook in React?

React hooks were introduced in React version 16.8 and have since become a favorite among developers. Hooks are functions "functions that allow you to implement additional features such as state and lifecycle methods in lightweight functional components". In addition to those that React gives to developers, it is possible to write your own that adapts to the needs of our application or web.

Does React use Bootstrap?

On their official website, they define Bootstrap as "the world's most popular open-source front-end toolkit, including Sass variables and mixins, a responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful JavaScript plugins."


It is possible to integrate both technologies to work in the frontend of an application or website.

What are props in React?

In React, Props refer to properties that play an important role in the development process of an application or web page. Components are the building blocks of React, and these components use Props to enhance their functionality and reuse code.


What is the purpose of React Props? As we already know, React is one of the most used JavaScript frameworks in recent years. Accessories have an important function: they pass data from one component to another, thus providing a channel through which components can communicate.


There is one rule you need to learn before you start using React Props: all components should work the same way as a pure function (regarding props).

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What is the main difference between ReactJS and React Native?
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