What is an ERP CMS software?

By lmartinez, 21 September, 2022



For the daily operation of several companies, various software and technological solutions are currently being used to increase production and benefit both employees and customers, and potential users. Among the most used are the CMS and the ERP.


Let's see what each one is about and how they can help your company's processes.


What is CMS software?


CMS stands for Content Management System. Basically, it is a software tool that allows the user or developer to create and manage a web page. Among its main functions are the creation and subsequent management of a website, the maintenance of the page, and the administration.

What constitutes a content management system?

At a more technical level, a content management system is made up of two main parts:


  • A Content Management Application (CMA): This is the part that allows you to add and manage content on your site (as you saw above).
  • A Content Delivery Application (CDA): This is the behind-the-scenes process that takes the content you input into the CMA, stores it properly, and makes it visible to your visitors.




Advantages and disadvantages of a CMS software


Having a CMS software, such as Drupal, can bring several advantages for the company's processes, but also some disadvantages due, for example, to the fact that the functions do not adjust to the needs of the moment.




  • One of the great advantages is that a person who does not program can update their own content.
  • Updating the content is quite simple. After the initial learning curve of the CMS, you will find it quite easy to update your content.
  • If you have content on your website that changes regularly, like weekly deals, an updated calendar, or a blog, publishing your own content could save you a lot of money in the long run. The alternative to doing your own updates is to pay your developer monthly maintenance or hourly rate for changes, which can be quite expensive.




  • CMS has several security risks, it must always be kept up to date to avoid errors. Hackers are more likely to attack websites that use a CMS to manage their content.
  • Due to your need to constantly update, your website may be shut down without maintenance by your hosting company, as a security hole in your website may lead to other sites on the server being compromised. This is now standard practice for hosting companies.
  • CMS experts are needed to keep the software up to date, which can mean a high maintenance cost for the company.
  • Usually, the people who manage the content of a website built with a CMS do not have programming or technological knowledge, so they must learn to manage it and this can take time, in addition to being up to date with changes and updates.




Let's talk about ERP software, what does it consist of?


An enterprise resource planning or ERP system is software that helps a business manage its finances, supply chain, reporting, trading, operations, manufacturing, and even human resources.


A large number of companies worldwide have some type of financial system, but the available software does not cover more than daily business processes, so having an ERP is vital today.


Benefits of an ERP system

An ERP software system facilitates the flow between necessary business processes and important data while preventing and eliminating data duplication and redundancy to create the indispensable data integrity.


This improves the information access process, streamlines administrative operations within the organization, streamlines internal communication and automates tasks. All of this facilitates the exchange of information between different departments, making data more available and accessible so that it can be used productively.




Other benefits of an ERP


  • Increase productivity
  • Speed ​​up the reporting process
  • Lower operating costs
  • Integrate metrics
  • Reduce resources
  • Facilitate quick decision making.
  • Increase user adoption rate
  • Maximize company visibility


Rootstack has worked with hundreds of international clients to offer them ERP and CMS solutions according to the needs of their company. Take your processes to the modern era of technology and enjoy its benefits.


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What is an ERP CMS software?
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