What is Drupal hosting?

By lmartinez, 22 February, 2023



CMSs have taken businesses around the world by storm, who use them to create functional web pages that can be constantly updated. One of the most popular among developers is Drupal.


What is Drupal?


Drupal is content management software. It is used to create many of the websites and apps you use every day. Drupal has great standard features like easy content creation, reliable performance, and excellent security.


Among its main features, it stands out:


  • Modules extend the functionality of Drupal.
  • Themes allow you to customize the presentation of your content.
  • Mix and match the components to enhance the core abilities of Drupal.
  • Integrate Drupal with external services and other applications in your infrastructure.
  • No other content management software is as powerful and scalable.
  • Companies like BBC, NBC, MTV UK already use Drupal.





What is Drupal Hosting


In HostGator they define it like this “Drupal hosting is any web hosting plan that promises compatibility with the Drupal content management system. All of the hundreds of thousands of Drupal websites require a web server and hosting in order for visitors to access them on the Internet.


Drupal, apart from its powerful CMS and website builder features, has several web hosting services available to its users and clients from where they can host their web pages without any hassle.


The most popular are:


  • Pantheon
  • Acquia
  • A2 Hosting
  • Hostinger
  • Glowhost
  • Seva Group
  • SKPR
  • Paltform.sh


what is drupal


Reasons to choose Drupal


It is the most secure content management system in the world


Although the battle between Wordpress vs Drupal has always existed, the truth is that Drupal, as a CMS, leaves Wordpress far behind, especially when it comes to online security.


It is supported by a community of developers


For people who are not familiar with web development, it can be difficult to understand the importance of an open source CMS, and what this means, especially when it is not you, as such, who will be developing this project.


Look at it this way: Drupal is an open source content management system, which means that any developer can contribute to Drupal code and improve it, improving the experience for everyone.


Even though there is a misconception about open source systems today, Drupal has an active developer community, robust code and a strong structure that makes it one of the best CMS currently on the market.


Offer a customized solution


The reason many people still prefer WordPress is because it is easy to install. Anyone can have their own blog/website on Wordpress in a matter of minutes. Although it is true that to create a web page in Drupal you need to have more knowledge, the effort is worth it. You see, Drupal is a CMS made by developers for developers.


This means that, although more knowledge is needed to be able to create a web platform in Drupal, it offers a customized solution that will allow you to obtain the page you want, with a unique design and interface.


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What is Drupal hosting?
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