What are the Phases in Software Development?

By lmartinez, 2 December, 2022

software development


Software development is a complicated process, companies that are dedicated to the design and creation of software products take their due time to be able to finish the project successfully and facing as few errors as possible.


To make sure this happens, the team of developers and designers follows the software development phases step by step, leaving no detail unattended.


Software development phases


Planning phase


As its name indicates, it is the initial stage, when the team of developers meets and begins to plan how they will approach the project, all the tools that are needed for its creation and define the functionalities and characteristics that the client needs within the product of software. In addition to being the first thing to do, it is one of the most important phases since it is the pillar of the other steps to follow.


Analysis phase


Once the planning for how the project will be approached has been completed, developers must collect all the details that are needed for the software product to meet customer expectations. This is done in the analysis phase.


In addition to this, the developers will define the ideas to create a prototype of the product, in addition to:


  • Clarify prototype system requirements
  • Review existing prototypes and evaluate alternatives
  • Research and analyze the needs of end users


software development


Design stage


This is where the combination of the developers and the UI/UX team comes in, as together they must create the user interface of the software product and determine all the functionality.


Also at this stage, the database and network requirements are ready.


Development phase


It is the longest of all since it is the stage when the developers write the code necessary to create the software product, following all the guidelines defined in the previous phases. They must be able to create a product with the minimum number of errors and that can be integrated with the necessary tools for its proper functioning.


Based on the needs of the product, the developer will choose the appropriate programming language, for example, Python or JavaScript, so that it can meet all the requirements and satisfy both the client and the end user.


software development


Test phase


Building the software does not mean the end of the project. Once the product is ready, the development team will dedicate itself to testing each of its functions, making sure that there is no bug that could harm the user experience. Depending on the experience of the team or the complexity of the project, this can be one of the longest or shortest phases.


Running and maintenance


When the development team makes sure that there are no errors in the product, it is officially released to the public. The first days online are crucial to test the real experience of the users, take into account all their opinions and apply the necessary changes.


In addition to this, the software development company will take care of the maintenance and updating of the product.


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What are the Phases in Software Development?
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