4 steps to start working as a Web Developer

By lmartinez, 13 July, 2022

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Web development is one of the most requested professions today by young people, who have their future in mind and know that it is present on the web, on the internet, and on everything related to technology.


No one is better than Coursera, the certified online course page, to define what a web developer is, saying “The job of a web developer is to create websites. While their main role is to ensure that the website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, many web developers are also responsible for the performance and capacity of the website.


Types of web developers


There are three main types of web developers:


  • Backend: These are in charge of the structure of the website, writing the code, and verifying that they work correctly. They are also responsible for managing access points.
  • Frontend: they are in charge of the visual part of the website and its interface, creating a positive experience for the user and interacting with the content. They design the physical part of each website, integrate the graphics, and use programming languages ​​such as HTML and JavaScript to achieve it.
  • Fullstack: This is a complete web developer that can do the work of a Backend and a Frontend without any hassle. These developers have the knowledge to build a complete website and can work for organizations that don't have the budget for a large website team.


The 4 steps to becoming a successful web developer


1.- Learn the basic concepts of web development


If you aspire to become a successful and in-demand web developer, you should start by learning the basics of development, such as understanding HTML, a hypertext markup language, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and Javascript. To achieve this, many people are participating in coding boot camps to speed up the process.


It is important to note that web developers, more than most other fields, must be committed to continuous learning to stay on top of changes in web development and programming languages, tools, and trends.


2.- Choose a development specialization


Web developers are classified into three main types and you must choose one of them, in order to define where you will work and what part of the development of a page or mobile application you will dedicate yourself to. You must choose between being a Backend, Frontend, or Fullstack developer, as we have explained earlier in this article.


By specializing in any of these three branches, you will expand your job possibilities in today's highly competitive market.


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3.- Learn the most used programming languages


One of the maxims, when you want to be a web developer, is to have an almost perfect command of programming languages, especially those that are more common in the market. Three families of programming languages ​​form the basic tools involved in virtually all aspects of web development:


  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • Javascript


Of course, there are other languages ​​that are being used a lot these days, like Python or Ruby, but these three are essential for any beginner in web development.


4.- Create projects with which you can test and demonstrate your skills


By having an understanding of the basics of development, plus an understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you're ready to go. Put your skills to work creating individual projects, these will help you practice, prove to yourself that you can do it, and show your talent to the world.


Some of these are technical skills or "hard" skills, such as programming in SQL or Python, using the jQuery function library for more efficient programming, or using tools like Git for version control. The best way to improve these web development skills is to simply start playing – the more you use them, the better.


At Rootstack we have a team of experts in website creation and design ready to offer the solution that your company needs in terms of technology, to have a dynamic and effective website focused on its users and thus increase the company's productivity.


Do not hesitate to contact us so that together we can work towards a prosperous technological future.


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4 steps to start working as a Web Developer
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