Top 5 things to consider when developing a mobile app

By Anonymous (not verified), 26 September, 2019

mobile app


When we talk about mobile apps we recognize that is the trend in terms of development. Currently, the mobile market is growing exponentially and goes hand in hand with previous stages, according to statistics 60% in 2018. However, not all apps work correctly (problems with the UI, the use of certain features) so the market demands the best possible labor and, in this blog, we will explain the most important aspects to consider before developing a mobile app.


1. Development methodology


The first point applies to any web or mobile project and if you are a software development company you must define at least one. Defining the development schedule or the methodology you will use during the project is basic. Among the most commonly used methodologies is the SCRUM model, holding periodic meetings from the project SetUp; this allows you to be connected to the client, defining deliverables and timelines at each point of the project.


2. Operating Systems ¿IOS, Android or both?


This aspect is essential if you want to get the most out of your app, you must take into account the operating system. What differentiates Android and IOS is the use of the resource that offers you the OS, for example, if we develop a native app you will have all the range of possibilities and functions that offers Android and IOS, how to use the camera, manage files, among other aspects related to the OS or the Hardware.


But beware, this does not mean that a hybrid app cannot do it, we have the case of Instagram which is a totally hybrid app and uses all these resources; it will simply make the development process long and tedious, the recommendation is to choose what best suits the requirements and if it can be made native then better.


mobile app


3. Technology (Programming languages, frameworks, among others)


This point is related to the previous one, once chosen the platform on which we will work, we must select the language or frameworks to use. In the case of IOS, we have to recommend Swift (if a native app will be developed) because it has become the official language to develop applications in iOS.


On the other hand, in Android, we have Kotlin, a programming language that runs on Java and can also be compiled into JavaScript source code. And why is it recommended to develop on Kotlin? Because the tendency is to use this language and not Java as traditionally was done, also that a few years ago Google named its official language for Android OS so it may happen the same case of Swift.


Hybrid Apps? In addition to other factors such as business logic and the budget to develop an app, you'll probably want your app to hybridize. Here if there's a lot to choose from, one of the community's favorites are frameworks like React Native, Ionic, Xamarin until Flutter, in this case, the developer will be inclined by the type of project that is presented to him and the framework that better allows him to work.


4. Wireframe


This is a most controversial and important point when developing an app, so it is not understandable that many agencies omit this point simply so as not to take the time to draft each of the screens that will make up the app. The process is simple:


  • First, with pencil and paper design each of the windows of the app.
  • Second, with Adobe Photoshop or another app, shape the design.
  • Finally, the workflow + design, defining color design, style, and shape of each screen.


This is very important because to speed up the development process, the developer will only have to worry about replicating the wireframe design and then touch the business logic. This process is carried out by a graphic designer, specialist in the development of web pages or mobile apps.


Another option that will help you save a lot of time is Balsamiq Wireframe, which is a desktop app that allows you to create cool wireframes easily, omitting a somewhat outdated process. The great advantage of using tools like this is that it will group your generic templates in a single platform, not to mention the thousands of options offered by the community.


5. Architecture (MVC, MVVM, and MVP)


Defining the architecture in Android is very important, for app development, there are several, from MVC, MVVM, to MVP. This is the raison d'être of your mobile application, here you define how the objects will behave, the types of views that will be available, the business model and how the different components or layers within the app communicate.


Model View Controller (MVC) this architecture separates the data of an application, the user interface, and the control logic into three different components.


  • The Model contains a representation of the data handled by the system, its business logic, and its persistence mechanisms.
  • The Vista, or user interface, which composes the information sent to the client and the mechanisms of interaction with it.
  • The Controller, which acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, managing the flow of information between them and the transformations to adapt the data to the needs of each one.


Model Vista Presenter (MVP) is similar to the MVC pattern. It is derived from the MVC pattern, in which the controller is replaced by the presenter.


  • The Model represents a set of classes that describe the logic and data of the business. It also defines business rules for data media on how data can be changed and manipulated.
  • The View is a component that interacts directly with the user as XML, Activity, fragments. It does not contain any implemented logic.
  • The Presenter receives inputs from users through the view and then processes the user data with the help of the model and returns the results to the view. The presenter communicates with the view through the interface. The interface is defined in the presenter class, to which it passes the required data.


Model ViewModel View (MVVM) this architecture separates the UI from the business logic. In the image we can see the three parts in which this architecture is divided:


  • The Model is the part where we are going to see all that would be the logic of the data.
  • The Model View will be in charge of interacting with both the model and the view.
  • The View that will be the visual part.


Choosing the architecture is of the utmost importance, and all have their resemblance, the difference lies in the way in which the layers that make up the architecture communicate with each other. Choosing the architecture will define how you will organize the code, to avoid handling the classes together.


In this particular case, there is no specific model for each OS, everything depends on what you need and defining a model can help a lot to deliver the project correctly, however, the tendency is to use the MVP architecture.


And that's it! These are 5 aspects that you must (yes or yes) take into account before developing an app, it is very important in case you are looking for an agency to develop your app, such as Rootstack, consider this whole panorama, remembering that each project is usually different, and we are sure that with the tips provided in this post you will be able to choose more easily.


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Top 5 things to consider when developing a mobile app
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