Best software development models: which one to choose?

By lmartinez, 1 December, 2022

desarrollo de software


The development of a software product can become an extensive and quite complex task, for which the software development models were created: a guide that programmers can follow to minimize errors and create a project in a short time.


These software development models will help the developer, or the development team, to get the application or website ready in a shorter time by following a series of specific steps, in addition to being able to detect errors in time.


The best software development models


There are several software development models, we are going to review the 7 best


software development


Agile software development


Agile software development is one of the most used by software development companies. Some companies value agile modeling so much that they are already using it for non-tech initiatives.


During software development, the agile technique helps teams to identify and solve small problems. It is crucial to take action before they become bigger problems. Rolling release cycles are produced by the agile methodology and involve the implementation of minor incremental changes from one release to the next. At each iteration, the software is tested. The participation and input of commercial stakeholders is highly valued during the development process.


Waterfall model


It is one of the oldest software development models. It consists of a linear flow: when one stage is complete, then the next one begins. Its main disadvantage is its lack of flexibility, it is a fairly easy model to understand and apply, but it does not allow the development team much mobility and they cannot work on other stages of the process if they do not close the previous one.


For example, if there is any delay in the initial stages of the process, this can mean a huge loss of time in the development of the project and that it extends infinitely, which is why development companies do not usually opt for this model.



software development


Lean development model


An article published by CodingDojo explains: “With an extreme emphasis on maximizing efficiency and reducing waste, the lean development methodology is becoming a critical framework within agile development. By delivering only what the product needs and doesn't want, the lean development methodology is now a big hit in technology.”


This is a methodology that focuses on delivering more value to customers with fewer resources involved in the development process, so customers get complete software development for possibly less investment.


Iterative model


This is an iterative-based software development model in which the team works by implementing a set of known software requirements, then testing, and then evaluation.


In each phase, or iteration, a new version of the same software is produced, continuing with many iterations until the software product is ready for market release. The advantage of the iterative model is that it helps to have a working version of the product early in the process. Therefore, it makes it less expensive to implement changes.




This model is simple, it is about developing a quick version of the product so that the client can test it and offer their comments for a possible improvement. It is a software development model that has a lot of customer and user participation.


software development


Spiral approach


One of the most adaptable SDLC approaches is the spiral model. It is inspired by the innate repetitions of the iterative model. The project will go through the following four stages: preparation, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation. A "spiral" of these phases is used to allow for numerous iterations of improvement.


The DevOps methodology


The DevOps model is one of the most recent additions to the field of software development models. The emphasis in this methodology is on the cooperation between the development team and the operation team throughout the entire process.


These two teams maintain close cooperation throughout the development process, thus accelerating the delivery of products with higher quality and more reliable functionality.


At Rootstack we apply all these methodologies in our work designing and developing software products. Trust our knowledge and experience, contact us to start working together.


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