Software Development Life Cycle Guide

By lmartinez, 22 November, 2022

software development


The software development cycle is not a short process, it requires several steps to ensure that developers or software engineers can design and create the application or website that the client needs and deserves.


Software agencies around the world, like Rootstack, help companies and individuals with a software project in mind to grow their business. The software development life cycle must be carried out with attention to detail for the project to be successful.


Table of Contents:


  • Skills of a software developer
  • Software Development Life Cycle


software development


Skills of a software developer


Human and communication skills


Before tackling the technical side of creating a web project, the developer must first engage in a clear and honest conversation with the client, lay out everything they want from the new application or website in order to meet the needs of the company and the users successfully.


Write and test code


It is almost logical: the software developer must have the ability to write code in different programming languages, such as: Python, Java and CSS. In addition to writing clear and effective code, he must have the ability to test it and check that everything runs as it should and minimize errors.




This is a sister skill to the quality of communication. In most cases, the design and creation of a software project is done among several people, so a developer must be able to work as a team, contribute, and be aware of what the other members in the project need.


Knowledge of development tools


In addition to being experts in a programming language, a software developer must know how to use the frameworks with which the mobile applications and websites that we visit every day are created. Next.js, Ruby on Rails and others are currently the most widely used frameworks. The company or client that hires the services of a software developer should investigate which one best meets their needs.


software development


Software Development Life Cycle




The initial phase and one of the most important. The software developer must take the necessary time to plan the project exactly, this involves several meetings with the client where an agreement is reached on all the functions that the mobile application, website or technology to be developed must fulfill.


Due attention should be paid to this initial stage, since if one of the requirements is not met halfway through development, everything may have to be started from scratch.




After the meetings with the client and having all the details of the project clear and approved, it will move on to the design stage. In this, the developer will work together with the UI/UX designer, where the user and system interfaces, networks and network requirements, and also the databases will be created.


Development stage


As its name indicates: this is the stage where the software developer will write the project code, following the guidelines of the previously created design and also the client's needs for the application.


If all the planning and design was done effectively and in detail, there should be no major problems at this stage of the software development life cycle process.


Integration test


When all the application code is written, the developer will start testing it to verify that it runs without errors, and if an error appears, it is fixed in time. Then, the integration of the different modules and functions to the central code will begin.


Maintenance stage


Once the application has been tested and integrated with the necessary modules and tools, it will run and be ready to use. This is not the last step in the life cycle of software development, any specialized agency will continue to monitor its proper functioning, offering maintenance and updating services.


Do you need a software developer to carry out that technological project that you have dreamed of so much? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will work by your side to achieve it.


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Software Development Life Cycle Guide
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