SelectedFirms Recognizes Rootstack as one of the top IT services and web design companies in the USA

By dbracho, 30 March, 2023



We are thrilled to announce that Rootstack has been recognized as one of the top IT services companies and web design companies in the USA by SelectedFirms. This recognition is a testimony to our dedication to delivering high-quality digital solutions to its clients.


In today's digital ecosystem, IT services have become critical for businesses of all sizes. IT service providers offer a variety of services that help businesses streamline operations, improve efficiency, and increase client retention.


However, choosing the right IT services company can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses with limited resources. This is where SelectedFirms comes in. SelectedFirms is a B2B platform that helps businesses find the right IT services company based on their specific needs and requirements. They have a directory of pre-screened IT service providers that are trusted, reliable and experienced. With their comprehensive search functionality, businesses can easily find and connect with IT services companies that best fit their needs.



Overall, partnering with the right IT services company can help businesses stay competitive and thrive in today's digital landscape. SelectedFirms makes it easier than ever to find the right IT services company for your business.

SelectedFirms connects businesses with the best IT services providers and web design companies. Their research and analyst team uses a rigorous selection process to identify the top companies in the industry that meet each of their qualifying criteria. The acknowledgment of Rootstack by SelectedFirms is a significant achievement for the company, demonstrating its commitment to providing high-quality services.

Why Rootstack?

Rootstack has been in the industry for over 12 years and employs over 100 highly qualified professionals. We have worked with over 200 clients from various industry verticals and geographical locations to revitalize their businesses from scratch.  To name a few, Hyundai, Caterpillar, Heineken, LG, Global Bank, and United Nations. They specialize in custom software development, web design and development, microservices, and IT staff augmentation.

One of the reasons why Rootstack has been recognized as a top IT services company is its dedication to delivering superior quality IT solutions. We understand that every business has unique needs, and they tailor their services to meet them. Our team of experienced developers uses cutting-edge technology and best practices to develop IT solutions that help businesses streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.



Rootstack's expertise in web design and development is also a contributing factor to its recognition. We design and develop user-friendly, visually appealing websites, and optimized for search engines. Our team of designers and developers works closely with clients to ensure that the website meets their specific requirements.

We value our relationships with clients and strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence in all our interactions. 

Rootstack's recognition as one of the top IT services companies and web design companies in the USA by SelectedFirms is a significant achievement. In addition, we like to express our sincere gratitude to our peers and partners for their trust and unwavering support. Your faith in us has been instrumental in driving our growth and success. We promise to remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the best possible experience.


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SelectedFirms Recognizes Rootstack as one of the top IT services and web design companies in the USA
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