Ecommerce: Why is web design so important for it?

By dbracho, 28 June, 2021



Shopping on the Internet has become as natural as breathing. Anything can be purchased online: buying food, clothing or appliances has never been easier than today, thanks to technology. More and more ecommerce are available online, trying to attract and retain customers or potential customers. But to achieve this task, it is necessary that these platforms have an optimal and functional web design.


It is obvious, all companies seek to create an ecommerce platform because they want to transform their business, expand their horizons and also increase their sales. In 2020, more than 2 billion people bought goods or services online, according to Statista, so it is a market that is growing more and more every day, being a growth opportunity for companies as well. But when creating your ecommerce, you should not only think about its structure and functionalities, but also about the design that the website is going to have.


Why is web design so important for your ecommerce?


Online buyers are special and quite demanding: if they enter a website and do not get what they are looking for in the first seconds, they leave it forever. If the appearance of the site shows excess information or elements, the user will feel fatigued and the result will end up being the same: he will close the browser tab. In both cases, web design has everything to do with it: it allows creating an optimal and functional platform, user-friendly and easy to navigate, which provides a positive user experience.


A good web design is not only important to be able to make sales and lead conversions: it also affects the company in the following aspects:


  • Reputation


By having a well structured website, with an elegant and sober design, the user will have the perception that this is the personality of your company. That is the correct impression to take, so that the next step is to complete a purchase or request your services. And speaking of impressions, in the case of websites, the user's first impression is vital: according to a study carried out by researchers at Carleton University, in Canada, in 50 milliseconds a user is able to have an opinion about a website, decisive to continue browsing or leave the page.


  • Fidelity


The more the customer feels comfortable on your website or ecommerce, the more his relationship with the brand will be strengthened. By offering quality content, easy navigation and multiple functionalities, the user will be hooked and will remain constantly connected to your platform. Best of all, a satisfied customer will always be a natural brand ambassador, attracting more potential customers. And, on the contrary, according to Toptal statistics, if an online customer has a bad experience with ecommerce, it is 88% unlikely that they will return for a new transaction.


ecommerce solution


  • Sales


We are clear that the main objective of creating an ecommerce is to increase sales reaching the wide audience available on the Internet. But this goal is not achieved by just creating a simple web page with a shopping cart and a button to pay. You should look for a technological partner to support you in the development of a powerful ecommerce, to design for you an organized, responsive and intuitive virtual store, friendly to the user, so that the purchase flow is fluid, fast and easy. If the purchase process is very complicated, the user gets tired and abandons it, and that is precisely what should be avoided.


The world of ecommerce is fascinating, a growth opportunity for companies today, regardless of the industry they belong to. But it is essential to receive adequate advice when designing your website, so that the final platform has the expected performance. At Rootstack, we can support you in developing the most appropriate technological solution for your business.


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