What are some interesting facts about Ruby on Rails?

By lmartinez, 16 November, 2022

ruby on rails


The world of technology is constantly evolving, so tools, programming languages, and frameworks that were once the most widely used and talked about can become the least popular in the blink of an eye. Now is Ruby on Rails still popular?


In a survey of expert programmers and developers, Statista ranked Ruby on Rails 15th among the most popular frameworks of 2022, out of 25 technologies. This may not be a huge number, but it's still used by a sizable group of developers who refuse to let it die.


In the survey, Node.js emerged as the most popular among developers in 2022, followed by React.js, both technologies we work on Rootstack and have done fascinating projects with them.



ruby on rails vs node js


Ruby on Rails: some interesting facts about this framework


  • Development speed


Ruby on Rails has been rated as one of the fastest frameworks for building an application, due to its iteration of a functional design. Additionally, its MVP model can be leveraged to speed up development. In addition to this, it has an MVC architecture, and this only further speeds up the development process.


  • Ideal for beginners


One of its most outstanding characteristics is the ease of learning, which makes Ruby on Rails the ideal framework for all people who are starting to develop applications and websites. In addition, it is based on Ruby, a simple language that translates the programming and relieves the developer of a lot of pressure.


  • Application maintenance


Due to the Ruby on Rails design philosophy, the developer will be able to easily detect the problem within an application and thus be able to fix it in time. The company that hires a software agency to develop a product with Ruby on Rails can feel safe to use it from the beginning, since if any maintenance is necessary, it will be done quickly.


ruby on rails


  • Support


With an extensive library and other resources, Ruby on Rails offers all-sufficient support for the developer, thus making the application creation process smooth and block-free. A team of developers supports it, guaranteeing that the application will be constantly updated, adapting to current technological trends and compatible with any existing or future tool.


  • Automated tests


Ruby on Rails has an integrated Automated Testing System, this allows the developer to test any function of the application at the time of its development, thus ensuring that it works correctly and can continue with the next step in the process. This is one of the most celebrated features of the framework.


  • Includes both sides of development


Ruby on Rails has a particularity that stands out from other frameworks: it includes the backend and the frontend. The developer who is fluent in Ruby will be able to work on both parts of the development process, plus they will also have knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and HTML.


  • Budget friendly


Due to the productivity and efficiency that Ruby on Rails brings, the project is usually quite profitable, more than if any other framework were used. It is a framework recommended for small and medium-sized companies, which need rapid development and have a tight budget, in addition to the fact that maintenance is easy, and this means less expense in the long run.


These are the most interesting data about Ruby on Rails, a framework that, although it is not currently very popular, since its creation has remained one of the most used when you want a fast and low-budget application, as well that has helped millions of developers to take their first steps in the world of programming.


ruby on rails vs node js


Ruby on Rails vs Node.js: wich one is better?


Ruby on Rails and Node.js are two popular server-side web development frameworks, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses.


Ruby on Rails (often shortened to "Rails") is a full-stack web development framework built on the Ruby programming language. Rails is known for its emphasis on convention over configuration, which means that it comes with a set of best practices and defaults that make it easy to get started with. Rails is also highly opinionated, which can be both a strength and a weakness. On the one hand, it can make development faster and easier by removing the need for decisions about certain aspects of the application. On the other hand, it can limit flexibility and make it harder to deviate from Rails' preferred approach.


Node.js, on the other hand, is a server-side JavaScript runtime built on the V8 engine. Node.js is known for its performance and scalability, as well as its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it well-suited for handling high levels of concurrency. Node.js also has a large ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm, which makes it easy to find and use third-party libraries.


When it comes to choosing between Ruby on Rails and Node.js, it really depends on the specific needs of the project. If you need to build a high-performance, highly scalable application that handles a lot of I/O operations, Node.js might be the better choice. If you're looking for a framework that comes with a lot of built-in functionality and conventions, and you prefer the syntax and structure of Ruby, Rails might be the better choice.


In summary, both Ruby on Rails and Node.js are capable web development frameworks, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs of your project and your personal preferences as a developer.


At Rootstack we have a large group of Ruby experts ready to start working with your company on that technological project that has been on your mind for years. Do not hesitate and contact us, we will talk about what you need for your company and how everything will result in an increase in productivity and annual income.


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What are some interesting facts about Ruby on Rails?
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